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  1. N

    Better to Force in More Cool Air or Crank up the Exhaust Fan

    If you blow in too much air, you'd lose the "negative pressure" you're trying to achieve - primarily for odor control reasons (if that matters to you) but also to govern the general air flow. i.e. people use a 6" exhaust fan with a 4" intake fan, etc.
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    Thoughts on the pros and cons of letting a crop run longer than usual?

    yeah, I may end up calling it at 10 weeks this time as I want to wrap up and get things shut-down and incognito/hidden so I can have contractors in the house. That may derail the experiment but 8 weeks has passed, they look nice and fat but haven't checked for any amber yet or any of that jazz...
  3. N

    Are controlled release fertilizers going to change the game?

    You can make SIPs a variety of ways, the technique can be tailored to your space constraints if you get creative enough. IMO. As others have said, you can't beat them for simplicity.
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    Question about keeping smell on the DL w/ AC Infinity tents

    Interesting angle. On the one hand, inside the tent you're tackling the problem at the source AND getting more air movement (watch out for wind burn issues potentially?). That way the exhaust is dealing with less of the issue so therefore it would emit less odor. On the other, if running the...
  5. N

    Has anybody reversed the AC Infinity UIS protocol?

    Sure would be nice if all this gear used some open industry standards for integrations. Good luck!
  6. N

    HOW TO keep a mother..?

    Another thing to mention, if you're trying for low maintenance moms then the mini-SIP + organic soil has worked well for me. Part of the process of rotating the mother plants and replacing them is that also provides the opportunity to 'refresh' the soil as it will get depleted over time. When...
  7. N

    HOW TO keep a mother..?

    Also, be prepared to 'cycle' your moms as needed. I found that eventually it was just more desirable to start a new mom from a clone; Some people talk about genetic drift from clones of a clone of a clone, etc. But I'm working with the same 2 phenos for multiple years now having replaced many a...
  8. N

    HOW TO keep a mother..?

    Best advice I can offer is stay on top of keeping them pruned back and keep a steady but low feed. I've made myself "mini-SIPs" for my moms to ensure they don't get forgotten and not watered enough - but the counter-productive angle there is they grow well in those containers. But I could...
  9. N

    Thoughts on the pros and cons of letting a crop run longer than usual?

    I also kept up with mild N inputs throughout mid-flower these last two times so these next couple of weeks are all about finishing off. I'm waiting for the green to fade and will probably be RO water + biologicals + fulvic/humic supplements for another week and then decide if it's going to be a...
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    Thoughts on the pros and cons of letting a crop run longer than usual?

    In my last run, I wasn't ready to harvest when they were due by conventional thinking so I let it run extra long that time. Not to say that running long was a real factor here, but it was an exceptionally good crop and I've been using the same 2 phenos for years now. I know I often see...
  11. N

    What size pots do you use for sips

    I use the Rubbermaid Brute totes myself. Thick, tough and food grade plastic! I use the 14 nested in the 20 and that gives me a nice large rez even with an inch or two air gap. I show pics of mine when they were being built in the SIP thread if you want to hunt it down. Can't recommend them...
  12. N

    What do you dip you're new cuttings in as an IPM or to root quicker

    fwiw to compare against - I've been using SouthernAg Bio Friendly Fungicide (or any of the bacillus 747 strain based products that come in a high concentration) as an IPM. The last few times I cloned from my mothers I made a small tray of a moderately high concentration to use as a dip. I...
  13. N

    Alternate Bacillus 747 products? Hard to find Souther Ag Bio Friendly Fungicide - Bonide version?

    Makes perfect sense that there'd be nearly identical products from each of the big brand players. I think this will be what I try next since it's available and ships to me from Amazon. Southern Ag needs to get shit registered... seems ridiculous they'd be missing out on an entire statewide...
  14. N

    Alternate Bacillus 747 products? Hard to find Souther Ag Bio Friendly Fungicide - Bonide version?

    So having switched to using Souther Ag BFF given it's very high concentration compared to say Hydroguard I'm now finding it hard to source! In the past I had bought off Amazon but they won't ship to my state now. I contacted Southern Ag and it comes down to some per-state registration deal and...
  15. N

    Southern ag garden friendly fungicide FAQ

    I've been using it and felt like in a cloner especially it was at least helping as a preventative. Or so I thought at least. What got me started on it was that it's supposed to be the exact same strain as HydroGuard but at a much much higher concentration at far far lower price. Lately when...
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    Watering till run-off, but soil VERY dry

    I might venture to guess that as a top dressing it would likely seep down through your soil over time. But, if you have plenty then I'd use some in the soil initially and then keep some for top-dressing over the course of the grow. I think I read somewhere that the microbes or the...
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    I like to use neem in my soil mixes for the various benefits it provides which includes an IPM aspect. I also use Southern Ag's Garden Friendly Fungicide in various capacities, including using it in my cloner/dome at the start.
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    Which is more important later in flower - correct VPD or low RH?

    My 2c is that it doesn't matter what you do if you get mold, so I would personally put more emphasis on keeping RH down to the point I'm managing the mold risks. Yield be damned if you have to throw it all away.
  19. N

    Off brand Shorty Tents

    Do you truly need it to be a tent? Perhaps just build your own enclosure or even a DIY tent... The enclosure could be made where you could dismantle it as needed if you got crafty with how you went about it.