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  1. G

    Does legalization really matter?

    You're confused on what I said. I said, of course no one thinks legalizing every drug is a good idea. In other words, I do think it's a good idea to legalize all drugs. Let the idiots kill themselves off while they binge on heroin and crack, I don't have a problem with that.
  2. G

    Gays are Human too, just confused

    It's all fine and dandy until a pack of gay guys, gang rape another man. Oh wait, guys already do that to women. LOL.
  3. G

    Curing with Peels and Vanilla Beans and Coffee Beans

    I've heard from personal references that vanilla bean is mostly a smell thing, and won't do much for taste. I've also heard that coffee may effect taste slightly, but you have to use a lot of it. Peels on the other hand I don't think would be a good idea. I've heard that orange peels make the...
  4. G

    most badass little kid ever.

    LOL, that kid is going to have a fucking stroke by age 10. And I thought karate was supposed to be healthy LOL.
  5. G

    The great thermite debate.

    That's the thing, they did know where, and they roughly knew when. Documented transcripts of radio messages on that day will clarify the governments willingness to let another country attack us and let our citizens be murdered as a result. It has nothing to do with 9/11. It has everything to...
  6. G

    Does legalization really matter?

    Yup. It would help keep my own personal pool of life, a little cleaner. Where's the bleach... add some of that to the gene pool too while you're at it, lol.
  7. G

    A letter to President Obama

    Anything short of him leaving office is useless. The guy doesn't give two fucks about anything other than fucking this country up. Of course he doesn't intend to, but he is doing a great job at it.
  8. G

    Tell The Obama Administration to Halt Its Attack on Medical Marijuana

    These petitions seem useless? 1. Who cares about the pledge. It's a useless rambling any way that you look at it. 2. The "In God We Trust" petition is useless. What is that solving?
  9. G

    Who thinks Herman Cain's 9/9/9 plan is nuts?

    I really don't think Herman Cain will do anything to the taxes. He is just spouting his BS to get in office, just like the guy we got in office now. This guy (Herpman Durp Cain) has absolutely no backbone, and will lie his way into position. He seems to be doing very well at it because some...
  10. G

    Does legalization really matter?

    I'm sure Ron Paul would wind up pushing for atleast decriminalization of all drugs, and legalization of Marijuana. I know he would want to legalize every drug if he could, which of course no one thinks is a good idea. Forget the legalization part, people even think decriminalization of all drugs...
  11. G

    HOW TO KILL SPIDER MITES 100%: " Naturally - no chemicals"

    I always have to give an LOL, when someone is complaining about someone complaining. LOL. Thus I point it out and maybe it seems like I'm complaing now, but I'm not. LOL. I'm not attacking you, it's just amusing because it gives me a mind fuck when people do that. Regarding the pepper spray...
  12. G

    The great thermite debate.

    Ontop of your statement, this guy (ganjawarrior) doesn't seem to understand that the government already did this. It was called World War 2. Yes the government had advanced knowledge of the impending Japanese attack on our country, specifically Pearl Harbor, and our government let thousands of...
  13. G

    Highest THC Content?

    No, people like him are not the reason marijuana is demonized. It's taboo because to the majortiy of society thinks all drugs are taboo. Get the fuck out of here with that mentality. Likewise someone could criticize you for thinking that marijuana should only be grown for medical purposes...
  14. G

    HOW TO KILL SPIDER MITES 100%: " Naturally - no chemicals"

    Yea real cigars are made with 100% pure soil grown tobacco. You can tell it in the taste too... completely different taste than cigarettes. They are not washed out with chemicals and the shit they put in cigarettes/gas-station-cigars. It would basically be a 100% nicotine/water misting on your...
  15. G

    HOW TO KILL SPIDER MITES 100%: " Naturally - no chemicals"

    Lol, well I sure wouldn't be giving those little guys a smoke. I figure you just douse the spray on, if you get a bad infestation and you'll force em to drink some of it eventually. Cigars have a TON of nocotine in them too. I mean you can smoke some cigars and it feels like you drank a full...
  16. G

    Real Life Super Hero - LOL Watch this for a lol.
  17. G

    A charitable idea

    That's crazy with the hemp cement. Seems like it does it all. I bet the next thing I'll see is a hemp machine gun, firing hemp bullets, LOL.
  18. G

    most badass little kid ever.

    They do it for a stress factor of some sort. To prep the soldiers for the stress of war I guess. I don't get it. Bullets being fired at you and words being fired at you have no relation to one another. Beyond that, with all due respect, I don't know how anyone does that shit (drill instructor)...
  19. G

    The beginning of the end of MMJ as the Feds begin seizure...

    The government won't be able to do shit with all the MMJ states. There are only more being added.
  20. G

    Who thinks Herman Cain's 9/9/9 plan is nuts?

    Herman Cain as a whole just isn't a good idea. I think his brain has 9-9-9 things wrong with it.