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  1. mythic

    add it to coffee?

    Just made some butter with what I had left of an awesome 1/8th (2 grams about). Butter into latte I made with some chocolate syrup. Should be good... mythic
  2. mythic

    Why do sheeple still run their cars on gasoline?

    Because oil companies run shit. Big oil money (and pharma money for that matter since this is a weed site) gets a lot of people who make decisions reelected. mythic
  3. mythic

    Can they get a warrent

    Unless they have a reason to suspect you're selling/growing they aren't going to do shit. IMO. mythic
  4. mythic

    Sex while High (Poll)

    Consider yourself lucky. I LOVE high sex. But smelling of weed/alcohol is a turnoff to my girlfriend. mythic
  5. mythic

    Oregon! First to legalize?

    They are shooting for 2010 apparently. I doubt anything like this will be on the ballot in 08. www.CannabisTaxAct.Org, Cannabis Tax Act, Restore Hemp, Hemp Energy, Hemp Food, Hemp Paper, Hemp Body Products, Hemp Fiber, Cannabis as Medicine, Campaign for the Restoration and Regulation of Hemp...
  6. mythic

    This is weird

    Men charged after skull dug up and used as bong | U.S. | Reuters Who does that? mythic
  7. mythic

    San Diego State University Bust

    The same thing as people complaining about airport noise. You live near an airport, WTF did you expect? I agree it sucks for the community, but anyone who buys a home within a mile or two of a school that regularly makes national "best party school evah!" lists and then complains clearly...
  8. mythic

    San Diego State University Bust

    I think this is kind of blown out of proportion. SDSU has 34,000 students. The amount of stuff uncovered, while not minor, isn't really surprising for a "party school" of that size. I would suspect a six month DEA sting to be able to uncover a bit more than this, frankly. But that's just...
  9. mythic

    The stop smoking commercial...

    I love the ones where the kid's dog doesn't like the kid because he/she smokes weed.
  10. mythic

    420 what are you doing?

    Waiting for work to end so I can go pick up my 1/2 oz. And lucky me, my dealer also has hash today. mythic
  11. mythic

    My first Hit and run!

    Congratulations. You are a complete asshole. mythic.
  12. mythic

    How long have you been smoking?

    Let's see. 23 now (birthday's on 4/20). First time I ever smoke I was 17. Started smoking regularly around 19. Since I was 21, I'd say once a day for the most part. With several 1-3 month breaks in between. mythic
  13. mythic


    Yeah, there are some bad cops and asshole cops. Just like in any other profession. But it's really silly blaming cops for enforcing laws. That's their job, they don't make the laws. mythic
  14. mythic


    I love mine, got it cheap for $70 on eBay. Works great, but I don't always want to wait 10 minutes for it to warm up. mythic
  15. mythic

    Cannabis and Bipolar Disorder..

    Sorry for the late response but... Are you referring about the med program? Go here to read more: State of Oregon: Oregon Medical Marijuana Program (OMMP) mythic
  16. mythic

    Finish the sentence above you!

    ...dead hooker. You can go and... mythic
  17. mythic

    Legalise it, No!

    Even in a relatively tolerant state like Oregon, getting popped with a single plant carries a maximum penalty of 20 years time/$300,000 fine. Not that I think that max penalty would be applied in such circumstances, but still. You're assuming a lot. mythic
  18. mythic

    BBB - Bowls Before Bed

    I'm dry until Thursday or Friday. So no BBB for me. :( mythic
  19. mythic

    Cannabis and Bipolar Disorder..

    PS, Oregon is a grow your own state. There are no dispensaries. mythic
  20. mythic

    What are you smoking on RIGHT NOW?

    Not sure. Smells kinda cheezy and I can't feel ma face. Not like when I put my hand up to it, but just when I'm sitting down. Face not there. mythic