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    Swiss Replica Watches Replica Watch Swiss Replica Watch Rolex Submariner Replica Watches...

    Swiss Replica Watches Replica Watch Swiss Replica Watch Rolex Submariner Replica Watches Hot Replica Handbags
  2. H

    Favorite Guitarists Of All Time

    I like Buckethead and he is a diverse player, but not anymore. I don't think he should be on any top ten list. It's his persona that's more famous than his music. His solos and shredding are mostly linear scales and don't really have too much diversity in them. My favorite guitarist is Jason...
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    Urine Therapy

    Is there such a thing as feces therapy? Probably just a euphemism for coprophilia, which is just a fancy term for liking shit.
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    Do You Support The "Occupy"Protests?

    I think 90% of protesters are protesting for the sole reason of wanting to protest and be involved in excitement and clashes for the experience. Sure they want change, but methinks the phrase "the green is always greener" applies here. I don't think most of these people realize how much their...
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    Herman Cain - "We are gonna defend out Enemies" - On attacking Iran and China

    I don't get it. So he wants to go to war with China but he says, "We are gonna defend ourselves and defend our enemies". So he wants to fight and defend the enemy simultaneously? Sounds like a plan.