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  1. X

    How Do We Eradicate Religion From Modern Society?

    get of the crystal, and you are a example of what you preach. now turn on the t.v. and keep getting brainwashed lol im laughing because that kind of statement is exactly what "society" wants check the quotaions.
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    How Do We Eradicate Religion From Modern Society?

    This thread is pathetic you can’t win a argument when the subject is religion. and not one person can say that their beliefs are in fact the truth science holds no proof or evidence to a 100percent that a God does not exist, here on earth science stands strong, but theory’s on how it all began...
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    Weed Wars

    Here’s a couple questions do you use bud as a way to relive stress and relax? YES do you get high from marijuana? YES does marijuana make you act funny or not your normal self? SOMETIMES because marijuana is illegal and is a drug do you consider yourself a drugiewhen you smoke it? NO are...
  4. X

    Master Kush strain info needed

    hi every one i am growing master kush for the first time and i was wandering if anyone has experience with this strain when it come to how well they absorb nutrients and if its a good strain for topping/manucuring any advice would be aprecciated.
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    Developing a palate?

    the problem is probably your bud all the stuff i get which is top quality nuggets not reggie has a strong taste and if not still very noticable however some strains have little to no taste but the majority of the bud you get when you pay high buck should have a high quality taste either a deep...
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    Acid vs. Shrooms

    mushrooms dont last nearly as long as acid so they might be better for you physicaly and probably dont drain as much spinal fluid out or make your brain bleed as much and when it come to having a bad trip in my experiances acid is far more likely to give you one. On mushrooms even when i have a...
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    When to start fertilizing and how much

    well if you transplanted right before flowering i would lay off nutes for 7 to 10 days then start giving them the nutes at 1/2 strenth as for when. after you water wait 7 to 10 days so it would be (nute, water next day, nute, water etc} see how they react then increase to full strenth if need...
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    Wondering if I should transplant or not

    actully now that i looked at the pictures more closly it looks like your plant is getting to much nitrogen that would be why your getting the "claw" effect on your fan leafs and if thats the case that would be the reason why your plant isnt flowering quick, overdoing on nitro can really slow...
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    Wondering if I should transplant or not

    its 30 days into flower theres no need to transplant it looks fine to me and if you were to transplant you would probably end up with a mess plus taking the risk of damaging your roots and putting the plant into shock if its not growing as fast as you exspect maby its just the strain or have...
  10. X

    yellow plant please help

    it looks like your overwatering them and maby a nitro def
  11. X

    Any help have some deficiencies here!!! Pics!!!!

    If it is a sulfer deficiency the First signs of a Sulfur deficiency are pale young leaves. The growth of leaves will remain slow, but the leaves can also get brittle and stay narrower than normal. Can also have small mutated leaves, along with the buds on top of flowering plants will die off...
  12. X

    Could someone explain ppm and ph to me...but mostly ppm

    Seedlings should be around 50-150 PPM Unrooted clones to be around 100-350 PPM small plants to be around 400-800 PPM large plants to be around 900-1800 PPM Last week of flowering use plain water
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    Any help have some deficiencies here!!! Pics!!!!

    it defintly is calcium def on the bd kush looks allright mabe a slight mg def Solution to fixing a Calcium deficiency To fix a calcium deficiency you can treat by foliar feeding with one teaspoon of dolomite lime or Garden lime per quart of water, Or Any Chemical/Organic nutrients that have...
  14. X

    How Soon Can You Start To See Preflowers?

    that would be a male plant buddy gl