Search results

  1. NewH2gro

    Wrinkled growth, thin leaves

    I'm fairly certain the thinness on the older leaves was from low humidity (33%). I fought that for a few days and got that leveled off at around 60% now, but it got really high a few times (over 85%) before I found the happy medium. These new leaves are pretty wrinkled, and the one is starting...
  2. NewH2gro

    Things to Know About Lighting

    Hey guys, thank you for all the input. I'm about 2 1/2 weeks into veg on 18/6 lighting schedule. Growth is not fast enough for my liking. Does anyone know of any possible negative side effects from increasing to 20 or 22 hours of light for a week or two, then flowering? Or would this be fine for...
  3. NewH2gro

    How Do/Did You Speak to Your Parents?

    I randomly landed in here somehow, and ended up reading all of these posts. I can relate to a lot of your comments. I had a large family when I was young and over my 28 years have watched it dwindle to a few. I currently have a good relationship with both my parents, Took some growing up on my...
  4. NewH2gro

    Yellow Seedling

    Thanks for all your input. Haven't found any rw around here but I did get procure some rapid rooters. I plan on ordering rw online and give it a shot as well in a few weeks. I guess it's safe to say the root system was probably crushed in the hydroton then? I started 2 at the same time and one...
  5. NewH2gro

    Yellow Seedling

    I had some of those laying around, but I had bought them last year, never got the chance to use them, and they had this pale white film on them. So I just used a paper towel :oops: Can you just leave them in the rapid rooters and put that directly in the hydroton, or should you rinse the...
  6. NewH2gro

    Yellow Seedling

    Thank you for the input. I read about people having issues with keeping the PH regulated in rockwool, so I was just trying to avoid any issues with that. Looks like I didn't do myself any favors. Will use next time.
  7. NewH2gro

    Yellow Seedling

    First timer here. Been reading around for a while though. Thanks to All of the contributors. This little guy is going in a 2 gal DWC with hydroton, no rockwool. Little over one week old. No nutes until today, changed res, now = PH 5.7, 300 PPM Dutchmaster Gold grow A+B, ADD27, zone, silica...