Search results

  1. White Widow Woman

    Where do you get your seeds? - Good Experiences... Please!!!

    Like the title saids... Where do you get your seeds from? How fast is their shipping? Do they e-mail you, when your seeds are on the way? How's their customer service if problems arise? Please try to give only the positive expriences, so newbies know where to purchase seeds for their first...
  2. White Widow Woman

    Knock and Talk - Are the Police doing this in your area??!!!

    Did you know that the police could do this??!!! Are they doing it in your area??!!! What next? :peace: WWW Source: Orlando Weekly 1/9/2003 Knock and talk discusses the latest techniques in the use of a narcotics interview to gain consensual search, make plain-view seizures, and develop...
  3. White Widow Woman

    Marijuana Bust On COPS tonight 04/05/08

    I was just now watching the TV show COPS on one of the US channels FOX network and they claimed that they got info on an indoor grow from the electric company. They broke in and took everything - the plants, lights and the guy's car!!! It was a vintage red corvette, very nice... he also had...
  4. White Widow Woman

    The 5th Annual Highway 420 Anti-Prohibition Rally

    Help stop law enforcement from arresting smokers!!! Come out and support your fellow smokers in this event to end marijuana prohibition!!! Hwy 420 & Victoria Ave (@ 3pm) Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada This year's key message: Cannabis Prohibition Harms Everyone.Cannabis prohibition simply...
  5. White Widow Woman

    Help - drooping leaves, dying plants

    Hello to everyone. I am new to this forum but have been lurking in the background just reading for a while now. Also, I have grown before in the past. I searched in the posts on drooping leaves to see if anyone was or is having the same issue as myself, but found nothing even remotely close...