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  1. Dr Greenthumb22

    roll it up phone app!

    As of right now theres not an iPhone app. There used to be one in the app store for .99 cents but they must of removed it
  2. Dr Greenthumb22

    roll it up phone app!

    We should bring back the roll it up iPhone app!
  3. Dr Greenthumb22

    New to RIU but been around the block

    THanks Great White Thanks guys, much appreciated ! Ive been lurking since 2012 and soaking up knowledge. Im ready to start a journal, come stop by and check it out once its up!
  4. Dr Greenthumb22

    New to RIU but been around the block

    Thanks Tryn! Im going to start a journal here soon, when ever I hit the magic number and they let me post there lol
  5. Dr Greenthumb22

    New to RIU but been around the block

    Hey petflora, nice to meet you! Ive seen you around before, in the pirates cave to be exact lol. I built a 4'x8' low pressure aquamist from those blue prints. I ran it for a while, but it would take over 100 to fill it up. im now in ucrdwc. Im growing larger plants with longer veg times in a...
  6. Dr Greenthumb22

    New to RIU but been around the block

    Whats up guys? Im sorta new to rollitup. I've migrated here from a similar forum. I feel that riu is a larger community of experienced growers and smokers alike. I like the positive vibe here and feel like this will be a good place for a new home. A little backround info about myself, Im in my...
  7. Dr Greenthumb22

    OG Raskal Wifi?

    Thanks for the replies guys! I will deff be getting some wifi soon! ;)
  8. Dr Greenthumb22

    Help!! Ucrdwc pump broke!!

    Thanks for the replies! I hooked up a shitty 660gph submersible pump for now. It's barley working and leaking, but I guess it's better than nothing. I'm going to go look at pet stores today for a danner mag drive pump. If not then I'm going to have to make a 2 hour drive monday
  9. Dr Greenthumb22

    Help!! Ucrdwc pump broke!!

    What's up rollitup? Tonight when I went into my grow room something wasn't right. My 1200gph water pump broke! I'm not able to get one until Monday. Will the plants be ok if I keep water in them until I'm able to replace it first thing Monday?
  10. Dr Greenthumb22

    Workin in the grow room

    Workin in the grow room
  11. Dr Greenthumb22

    OG Raskal Wifi?

    Damn bro, I wished I lived in a mmj state haha. Hopefully one day soon tho. For now I'm limited to buying from Europe
  12. Dr Greenthumb22

    OG Raskal Wifi?

    That's crazy.. In my search of wifi I settled on alien wifi a few months back as well lol! She's a very vigorous plant
  13. Dr Greenthumb22

    just my goings on for now.......

    Damn bro, lookin very nice!! I like your set up. I've grown out critical kush and had probs w it aswell. It was a slow pheno and took forever to finish. I killed my mother plant of her off. How's the vanilla kush? I heard that's supposed to be tasty
  14. Dr Greenthumb22

    What A.N Nutes are really needed for UCRDWC?

    Hey guys, I've been growing for years in dwc/ucrdwc. I've always used Advanced nutes with great success. Its just getting costly. After this grow I think im going to try house and garden and see if I can cut cost while maintaining production. My question to all ucrdwc and dwc growers is what A.N...
  15. Dr Greenthumb22

    Ohioians stand up.

    I have a cousin that lives in Ohio. He said that there's permanent signing locations poppin up all over the place in ORG's website.
  16. Dr Greenthumb22

    Is it possible for scrog to reduce yeild?

    Thanks for the reply! Would it still be beneficial to bend the stems under the screen this far into the stretch? Or should I use the scrog as support for the monster colas? I'm running c02. The main buds get very big w this strain and supports a must
  17. Dr Greenthumb22

    Is it possible for scrog to reduce yeild?

    Thanks Cat! Ive been gradually removing branches and sucker leaves that look like they wont make it above the canopy. Im just afraid to stress her or stunt her from the stress. I have faith that after the stretch, some of the branches below could make it above the canopy. Tonight when the lights...
  18. Dr Greenthumb22

    Is it possible for scrog to reduce yeild?

    Thanks for the reply neo! I was leaning that way as well. They're only 8 days into flowering, it should fill out nicely. Its difficult to add a scrog with a separate veg room and a flower room. I plan on waiting until theyre done stretching to trim the remainder of the sucker leaves/lower...
  19. Dr Greenthumb22

    Is it possible for scrog to reduce yeild?

    Any thoughts or suggestions if I should keep the scrog in place, or remove it completely?
  20. Dr Greenthumb22

    Is it possible for scrog to reduce yeild?

    Here's a pic from below the canopy