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  1. M

    Found a deal on sensi bloom and voodoo juice

    For those that run Advanced -Just picked up Sensi-bloom liter and 250ml of Voodoo for cheap! Only good for 2 days so make haste. Don't know if you can stack it with their buy 3 get 1 free deal. I just got...
  2. M

    Advanced Nutrients Users, Please Help!

    I have looked at all of these guys that sell on ebay with great suspicion. Most of the nutrients lines need to be protected from light to not go bad. Also I know for a fact that Advanced has a few products that will turn if they aren't kept at the right temps. Bud factor x gets brownish when it...
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    Discount Advanced Nutrients

    Tons of places to get Advanced but there is no substitute for people that take care of you when you have a problem and answer your questions if you have them. I like the guys @ CAN. They turned me on to a few "tricks" with the products after I bought from them a few...
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    Advanced Nutrients Sensi Grow A+B, Sensi Bloom A+B, B-52, Big Bud, Bud Candy

    My 2 cents is of all of the additives to consider b52 will actually help you over come plant stress ( from too much heat or under/over watering etc) because it is 5 kinds of b vitamins and kelp (good for flowering too). I like it for a boost in veg as well when they are getting established (used...
  5. M

    H&G - Holy crap!

    Got more info on this score- First ,this site is not the manufacturer or distributor. They are a reseller. I got call from the sales department after my order went through and they told me this was a programming error they need to fix. They honored the freebie though. I got the free top...
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    H&G - Holy crap!

    Hey Rollers. I just had something ridiculous happen while I was picking up a few things for my new hybrid feeding schedule. ( trying double ds advanced/H&G combo feed schedule) So I figured I would post it so others could take advantage before it goes away. First I need to say I have nothing to...
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    Mixing Advanced Nutrients... Properly!!!

    In an effort to return to spirit of the original post. I came across this for the OP to checkout. Good tip for sure. I work this way and it has always worked out well for me.
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    Mixing Advanced Nutrients... Properly!!!

    So which Canna products are you using that you are so happy with? Like to give it a try. I'll be honest I'm happy with my yield versus input cost but I ALWAYS keep an open mind if it will help me improve quality or yield. The dude who works for Advanced does have one thing right. They dumbed...
  9. M

    Mixing Advanced Nutrients... Properly!!!

    I run Advanced (currently in dirt. bigger yields system) and I always mix additives at full strength and then add my base. I use Connie and it is strong so I would never mix what they say. I start @1/4 strength and work up to my desired ppms. I have never had any problem with deficiencies. I...
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    For all the GH users.

    Don't know your experience level in hydro but Flora series is very basic and not as complete a nutrition as some others. ( one reason why I don;t use). Floranova is very good and has a ton of micronutrients in it. Pick up a bottle next time you are in your local shop. It weighs a ton! Do you...
  11. M

    help on advanced nutrients

    If you want to have predictable results with AN get the bigger yields system chart and run it. If you are in hydro, skip the Tarantula and Pirahna. If you are on limited funds and in dirt drop - rhino, sensizyme and tarantula. You can buy 250 ml sizes of the Tarantula, piranha, voodoo, bud...
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    Root Aphids

    I have had good success in dirt using Diatomacous Earth around the whole base of the plant. You have to reapply it after every watering which is a pain but it kills any that crawl up or try to go back down. I have even dusted my girls in veg to help take care of spider mites before rinsing off...
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    For all the GH users.

    I don't run GH, but I came across this buy 3 get one free deal. Looks like you can get free shipping too. Might save ya some coin. Hope it helps.
  14. M

    AN's Rosebud is back...

    My local shop confirmed this as well. They used to give it to dealers free. Now they have to buy it. Sucks for them. Good for us. Do like the mag. high quality production.
  15. M

    Anyone got info on Sour Bubba?

    Just got some sourbubba cuts but don't know much about the characteristics. Like to know how they behave before I get going with them. Any info is appreciated.