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  1. K

    FLOWERING MALE in the middle of june from seed? OHIO GROWERS!

    None it was a bag seed. But I'm just curious to why it would have flowered so early and nothing else has nor will until later in the year like normal plants...
  2. K

    FLOWERING MALE in the middle of june from seed? OHIO GROWERS!

    I checked my plants today and one of them about a foot tall, started about 2 months ago seed straight in the ground, was what looked like almost a fully flowered male plant! This was the first time I had ever seen this under these conditions. Im around southern Ohio. I havent checked the plants...
  3. K

    Lemon G?

    I live in South East Ohio, how do i come about obtaining a clone of Lemon G? It is by far one of my favorite strains and i would Love to grow it!
  4. K

    southern ohio growers!!!

    im no expert but i got some answers. 1. wait till the plan is a few nodes high (apx. 3) to start the grow 2. you can spray your leaves but i dont believe it makes that much of a difference, you arent smoking the leaves... 3. no comment, could be any number of things 4. you can start pulling...