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  1. DuplicatePie

    is mma an unbeatable style?

    As long as it's a strictly stand-up fight, Kung-Fu is just as legit as Boxing, Muay Thai, Karate, etc.... Of course some of the things you see in the movies won't work in real life, or at the very least, won't be nearly as effective, but 1) that can be said of any fighting style, and 2) what do...
  2. DuplicatePie

    Want to ban guns?

    As an American I couldn't possibly give one iota of a fuck less about what any Englishman has to say about something that isn't even occurring in their country. The thought of the gene pool being expanded my cowards like you, who likely wouldn't ever try to protect themselves if need be, and who...
  3. DuplicatePie

    Utah trooper fakes DUI arrests

    I saw a short "interview" with her attorney. In it he was trying to claim that she was a good pig, and not the worthless bitch that she is. If that were even remotely true, why are there judges who won't even bother trying cases in which she was the arresting officer, buddy?
  4. DuplicatePie

    Gf ditched me on nye

    This bitch obviously likes to play games, and you seem to just be playing right along with her. Stop it. Remember that no matter how hot any girl is, or how much you want her, someone is tired of her shit. Basically what I'm getting at is that no matter how hot she is, or how much you think...
  5. DuplicatePie

    Alcohol v. Cannabis

    Are you surprised that you put on a decent amount of weight from drinking a lot? It is 7 kcal/gram after all. For roughly 4 months or so I was drinking a half 1/5 a night. Because of that + the large amounts of food I devour when drunk, swear I eat more when drunk than stoned, I went from about...
  6. DuplicatePie

    why must thy be a bad neighbor?!

    I didn't read your whole story yet, and I haven't read all of the responses. The answer to your problem is that you're dealing with a scumbag HOA. These are usually people who love fascism and telling people what to do so much that they started their own little club to be able to tell their...
  7. DuplicatePie

    anybody know what cartoon this is??

    South Park crushes those other 3 shows. Not even in the same league.
  8. DuplicatePie

    anybody know what cartoon this is??

    For my fifth post in a row on this thread I will be recommending "Desert Punk" to all the anime fans out there. It's primarily action/comedy. It can be found for on Netflix, and probably other places. Now that I'm recommending anime shows I've got to mention one of the biggest must see anime...
  9. DuplicatePie

    anybody know what cartoon this is??

    Thou shalt NEVER DISRESPECT BLEACH!!! I'm not the biggest fan of the filler arcs though, especially the Bount saga, so boring it was ridiculous. The one where the zanpakuto came to life was much better than that. If I remember correctly, they haven't finished with the Arrancar arc yet on cartoon...
  10. DuplicatePie

    anybody know what cartoon this is??

    Aeon Flux. I remember watching that show when I was really young...if I remember right, wasn't she an assassin or something like that? If you watched that show, then I'm sure you also watched The Maxx and The Head. Am I the only one that remember the very short lived MTV cartoon that I believe...
  11. DuplicatePie

    anybody know what cartoon this is??

    They brought back the Toonami name/concept, but it mostly just seems to be the alien traveler guy that does the introduction things that they brought back.
  12. DuplicatePie

    anybody know what cartoon this is??

    Seth McFarlane and his shows aren't bad, but comedic genius? Not in my eyes. He's found one formula that seems to work decently and he keeps it up in all of his shows. Baby & dog that talk. Alien & fish that talk. Bear that talks. Teddy bear that talks.
  13. DuplicatePie

    elementary school shooting in newton ct

    But sugar-britches, though guns are indeed manufactured for combat you seem to be neglecting the fact defense is have of any combat situation. That sucks that you have been raped and assaulted once, let alone multiple times, but because it's happened to you and you feel that you don't want to...
  14. DuplicatePie

    elementary school shooting in newton ct

    Pencils can also be used as an offensive weapon. Do you have to hand those over also? What about you hands and feet? Do those detach for the convenience of your rulers who outlawed the keeping of weapons by civilians for the sole purpose of quelling rebellions before they happened, and not for...
  15. DuplicatePie

    elementary school shooting in newton ct

    He was a little worm kid. On top of that everyone, especially his fucking mom, knew he was fucked up in the head. She even said to someone not too long before this incident that she was losing him and that he was getting worse...something close to that, don't quote me. Instead of getting this...
  16. DuplicatePie

    elementary school shooting in newton ct

    Because women are busy murdering their children in the privacy of their own homes.... By the way that wasn't a joke or incorrect.
  17. DuplicatePie

    How to quit weed dependency.

    People are different.
  18. DuplicatePie

    Jay and Silent Bob Get Old Podcast (hilarious shit!)

    That was awesome that the guy announcing at the beginning is MC Chris.
  19. DuplicatePie

    Jay and Silent Bob Get Old Podcast (hilarious shit!)

    Yeah, I gained a bit more respect for Kevin Smith after reading up about how much he has tried to help Mewes with his drug problems over the years, and even after he screwed him over and stole his ATM card and whatever else he may have done, still tries to help his friend out.
  20. DuplicatePie

    Not a single

    No offense, but of course you don't understand, you don't live here. I can't purport to understand how everything works in the UK even though I am decently well informed of the workings of our allies "across the pond". Do you guys regularly experience shit like this...