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  1. E

    PC Stealth Grow 300W+ cfl. Chocolate Chunk

    cheers man! yea that was the equivalent wattage sorry :p the ACTUAL wattage was 12 i think, possibly 11 so the most i ever had was 6 * 12 or when i had the 125 and 2* 12.
  2. E

    PC Stealth Grow 300W+ cfl. Chocolate Chunk

    sorry to you all for never finishing this post off! this will be a conclusion of sorts haha. so i ended up getting about an ounce form this little grow. 2 tiny clones on 12 12 pretty much straight away. safe to say the finished product was joyously consumed within no time at all.. feel free to...
  3. E

    Microcab2 - - 5 Chocolate chunk clones - 5 Swiss cheese 12 12 from seed.

    Nothing special to be honest with you mate. Some doff rose feed for flowering and some miracle grow orchid food which has higher nitrogen for when things get a bit yellow. Feed almost every watering but the chunk clones are on flush now. They're in some fairly standard 'citrus plant' soil aswell...
  4. E

    Microcab2 - - 5 Chocolate chunk clones - 5 Swiss cheese 12 12 from seed.

    5 chocolate chunk clones are in black pots / cut bottles 5 swiss cheese in the snack pot things.
  5. E

    Microcab2 - - 5 Chocolate chunk clones - 5 Swiss cheese 12 12 from seed.

    update one of a few tonight, give me time... Thats a 30 cm ruler, 15 inch i think for all you yanks. itl pop up a few times. all have been fairly heavily trained.
  6. E

    Microcab2 - - 5 Chocolate chunk clones - 5 Swiss cheese 12 12 from seed.

    Big update to come tonight around 10pm english time. Stay tuned!
  7. E

    Microcab2 - - 5 Chocolate chunk clones - 5 Swiss cheese 12 12 from seed.

    cheers wilma ;) the case is 45 x 45 x 65 cm approx plants are no more than 10 inches tall from the soil sorry to mix measurements! Still forgot to charge the camera so pic updates will take a while...
  8. E

    Microcab2 - - 5 Chocolate chunk clones - 5 Swiss cheese 12 12 from seed.

    I dont think its a problem with the photos as ive uploaded from this camera before. i think it was a problem with my browser, gonna give it another whirl now...hmm the 'manage attatchments' button isnt working for me! ive tried 3 different browsers on 2 computers... never had a problem...
  9. E

    Microcab2 - - 5 Chocolate chunk clones - 5 Swiss cheese 12 12 from seed.

    as it turns out rollitup is being a wank and wont let me upload photos...hold tight...
  10. E

    Microcab2 - - 5 Chocolate chunk clones - 5 Swiss cheese 12 12 from seed.

    So heres the first update from round 2.just finished a pc grow, got around an ounce form 2 clones.we're on day one of week six today, clones have maybe 2 - 3 weeks left. seeds have 5 - 6 i reckon.been feeding all the way through. nothing special, rose feed for flowering and orchid feed for a...
  11. E

    8* TH Seeds Chocolate Chunk clones, 400w hps Wilma Dripper grow

    update this shiz you batty :weed:
  12. E

    PC Stealth Grow 300W+ cfl. Chocolate Chunk

    Yea man, im not too worried this close to harvest :p good luck to you man! its easier than you think, just gotta keep an eye on it and tie tie tie it all down. I may just upsize to a stealthy cabinet type thing so i can get one of these coming off around every 4 weeks. 2 or 3 of those little...
  13. E

    PC Stealth Grow 300W+ cfl. Chocolate Chunk

    Look at all that yellow... not good haha On the plus side, bud are looking nice, smelling nice, all that nice stuff. Trimmed pics to come soon!
  14. E

    PC Stealth Grow 300W+ cfl. Chocolate Chunk

    Will be harvest time in a few days, stay tuned for an update!
  15. E

    PC Stealth Grow 300W+ cfl. Chocolate Chunk

    yo man, i had a hole in the back of my case big enough to fit the e40 socket in and pretty much duct taped it in there! then drilled some holes in the top and threaded cable ties and wire through to tie the lamp up to stop it falling down.
  16. E

    PC Stealth Grow 300W+ cfl. Chocolate Chunk

    Hey wilma Glad you like it babe ;)