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  1. ganjaman94

    Growing for money

    My nuts, in your mouth.
  2. ganjaman94

    Growing for money

  3. ganjaman94

    Clone Machine Under $20

    Hi, Do you have to add anything to the water for them to root? Also does the water have to be pH'd? And if so what pH is best? Thanks.
  4. ganjaman94

    Has anyone used -

    Hey, I want to order some stuff for my setup, i was wondering if anyone has used, they look like a good reliable place where i can get everything i need from. Thanks.
  5. ganjaman94

    Budget HPS setup on ebay

    That website looks fake as hell, have you ever actually ordered from there?
  6. ganjaman94

    Budget HPS setup on ebay

    Has anyone ordered from or are they any good?
  7. ganjaman94

    Budget HPS setup on ebay

    Is 18,000 lumens for a 4x2 space sufficient? I've seen people with as little as 10,000 lumens in a 4 x 2 and their buds looked pretty good after 4 weeks flowering.
  8. ganjaman94

    Budget HPS setup on ebay

    So if i did choose cfl's how many 65w cfl's would i need for a 2x4 area? Each bulb giving off 4300 lumens?
  9. ganjaman94

    Budget HPS setup on ebay

    Yeah well i don't have much of a choice, i'm growing for the oil so i can help cure someone's yes i want it to be as easy & quick ass possible!!! -_________________-
  10. ganjaman94

    Budget HPS setup on ebay

    Lol this seems like soo much effort -______- I feel like running back to cfl's o__0
  11. ganjaman94

    Budget HPS setup on ebay

    That looks like a good fan & has got some good reviews. But i'm broke as a joke, can't afford that right now :( Any other ideas?
  12. ganjaman94

    Budget HPS setup on ebay

    I was looking on amazon, there are carbon pads which are meant for like bbq's and shizz you can cut them up & stick them over the pc fan's which people say work, so that would sort out the smell problem i guess + some gel odor absorbers. I don't think a 250w would produce too much heat would...
  13. ganjaman94

    Budget HPS setup on ebay

    Can i just use some pc exhaust fans? Lol
  14. ganjaman94

    Budget HPS setup on ebay

    Hi, I have a 4ft x 2ft grow cab, i'm new to growing so am kinda confused which setup would be best. I bought cfl's but then took them back because it was so much hassle having 18 i've decided on hid! On ebay i seen a full kit with the hps bulb, ballast & reflector etc for £61.74...
  15. ganjaman94

    Maintaining the pH

    I was reading that you can add dolomite lime to the mix so that you never have to worry about the pH. I don't really wanna pay out for it so i heard an alternative is powdered egg shells, is this correct? If i add it to the mix then sprinkle it on top? Thanks.
  16. ganjaman94

    Liquid egg shell fertilizer

    Would you say to start using it with seedlings, as soon as they pop out of the ground?
  17. ganjaman94


    I'm thinking of just adding dolomite lime to my mix then i dont need to worry about the ph of the water, but thats quiet expensive around here, i hear you can use powdered egg shells instead. Any info on this?
  18. ganjaman94

    Liquid egg shell fertilizer

    Ok thanks alot i'll try this as i've been saving egg shell's, i knew they'd come in handy in my first grow. I know'd you said about adding the egg shell power to the water but could you just add it to the mix as you would with dolomite lime? Thanks. :))
  19. ganjaman94

    When to start using nutes?

    Hi, How long after my seeds start germination shall i start using bio grow nutrients? My soil is a basic mix with perlite, no bat guano or castings for my first grow on a low budget :/ Thanks.
  20. ganjaman94

    Dinafem Seeds Industrial Plant & Cali Connection Blue Dream Haze

    We're they regular seeds though? These are feminized!!!