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    When to grow outdoors

    Hi,I'm from Ireland and would like to know when is it the best time in the year to start growing auto seeds outdoors?
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    The Irish Growers Thread!

    hey guys do any of you know whens the best time to grow outdoors? our weather is so messed up id be nervous putting a seedling out,i have grown indoor plants successfully and wanted to try grow something outdoors for a change, and if anyone knows any good strains that would grow well in our...
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    Auto-flower solo cup contest entries -- post your picture and update here

    this is white widow x big bud auto flower,first pic is 12 hrs old 2nd pic is 7 weeks old.
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    how to overdose ur plant.

    hi guys just though id put this tread up,i used to use the hesi products and they worked great i ran out i went to the grow shop,they had none in stock so the owner gave me some free samples of atami bio root grow and bloom so i thought id give them a try. at the moment i have big bud x amnesia...
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    forgot to mention i only sprayed on an around leaves in veg growth,never poured onto soil,it never harmed my plants at all.
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    i give my plants sparkling water to give it extra oxygen,i just wanted to know if its good for the plant in any way?
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    small buds

    ive just harvested an auto lowryder plant an i have to say i wasn't impresst with the buds,they looked much bigger an compact in a pic,i have 4 more to harvest in 3 weeks,auto angel and auto devil,the are budding everywhere, and i wana make sure i get big fat buds this time, im using plagron...
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    hi guys,can anyone tell me what the importance of giving the plant oxegen is,what does it do for the plant?
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    The Irish Growers Thread!

    just though id say hey,im in dublin and just signed up,im about to start an auto flower plant Lowryder*2 thought id pop on here an see if anyone has grown any,id like to get some tips coz theres not much info on them here.
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    whats the ideal light time?

    ive looked everywere (well almost)and cant find the best time to keep an auto flowering Lowryder#2 under,it seems ppl have different times,some say 18 hrs a day,some say 12 a day,some say it doesnt matter. which is the ideal time?? im gona wait til i get the answer before i crack open the...
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    hi from Eire,me and my partner macker are hoping to get some great advice.

    hello!! we are attempting to grow an auto flower strain Lowrider,we have grown some lovely plants the last few years and really enjoy it. ive come on here to get some good advice and to give some if we can. its great to have such a site were we are free to discuss this type of thing,in or...