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  1. S

    Ordering seeds tonight -- have grown before, but never autos... which ones?

    Very nice man. You starting to get a good percentage of milky trichomes yet or are the still pretty clear. Awesome job! I do not have a magnifying glass so I cannot check my on my to get list......
  2. S

    Ordering seeds tonight -- have grown before, but never autos... which ones?

    For around the past 40 days my lights have been on 12/12, due to my other 2 plants being photo period was ready too bud. Early on I tried to do some LST but broke the top off, and learned that this is a really brittle plant, if I try and do anything with it I am likely to break it.
  3. S

    Ordering seeds tonight -- have grown before, but never autos... which ones?

    This is my first time growing an autoflower and first time using the waterfarm, I know 5 or 6 oz sounds like alot, but it is just a guess. If I did get 5 ozs out of it I will be happy...Cheers...
  4. S

    Ordering seeds tonight -- have grown before, but never autos... which ones?

    I am at day 73 with an Northern lights Automatic from Sensi seeds, looks like I will pull 5 or 6 ounces from it by day 80 under a 600w hps in a 5x5 tent with two other plants. Maybe you would wanna give that a try......
  5. S

    Canadian Seed Bank Lots of selection,single seeds if you want, and fast delivery......
  6. S

    Best Website for buying Grow lights and Organic potting soil online in canada

    Couple for ya, good luck...
  7. S

    General Hydroponics
  8. S

    need help bad with temperatures in grow tent

    Maybe pull in some cool fresh air from outside,,,,
  9. S

    Need help building super closet.....

    Check out GH waterfarm I hear they are really good, and maybe a 600W dimmable digital ballast....Good luck,,,happy growing......
  10. S

    Exhausting in my basement is a problem

    Get your exhaust venting outside, cut a hole or put it up a chimney.....