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  1. turkeybaser

    DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

    I also aerate my water for at least 24 hours BEFORE even brewing the tea, just to make damn sure that it is non-chlorinated.
  2. turkeybaser

    DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

    As stated, agreed. There isn't enough DO. Heisenberg states: "You want the water to be almost turbulent from the air bubbles". The way I know that I have enough DO during the process is after a few hours into my brew... I HAVE THE FROTHY BUBBLE GOODNESS!(TradeMark :-P ). If the frothy...
  3. turkeybaser

    DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

    I got into big problems following the "recommended dosages" on the bottle. Bee careful with DWC and nutes.
  4. turkeybaser

    DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

    I called a local hydro store that I had never been to, and asked them if they had any earth worm castings(for brewing Heisenberg's tea). She said "yes", we have Vermi-T. "Liquid earth worm castings?" I asked. "yes, I brew a batch once a week". This may have been mentioned before but...
  5. turkeybaser

    DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

    Wow. Check this shit out. They basically have split root beneficials into two different products... Root Pack and Nute Pack... and then created a third beneficials product to combat insects... Folier Pack. Pretty funny that the website has cartoon bacteria, packing...
  6. turkeybaser

    DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

    I read, or was told somewhere(I can't remember and can't find the reference) that ph should be adjusted before adding beneficials because the harsh acids and bases used could kill beneficials. Not trying to argue with Doer, just trying to clarify. Can anyone chime-in? Heisenberg? I could...
  7. turkeybaser

    DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

    @ inspired333 I asked the very same question here and got no response. The most frustrating thing is I found a supplier of "concentrated liquid earthworm castings" that was reasonable but then couldn't find the link again(and I AM tech-savvy). It is out there though...
  8. turkeybaser

    Is this Light Burn, Nute Burn, Eagle 20 Burn or All of the Above?

    This is a 18gl tote deep water with two trainwreck girls. She was given .125 milliliters of eagle 20 directly into her res when she was flipped(doing a test case on smaller amounts of eagle 20 added directly to the res to combat powdery mildew). She is now in 6th week of flower. Tried to keep...
  9. turkeybaser

    DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

    Did you clean your roots and sterilize your rez? Sounds like you have brown slime building up. It starts clear but then turns more and more brown. I would suggest reinnoculating every couple days and be patient. I had leaf ripple like that in a plant where I was experimenting with eagle20...
  10. turkeybaser

    Rolling DWC Totes

    Check out my Roll-n-Grow mobile DWC grow totes!(Sold exclusively by TurkCo!.. just kidding). My first DWC I tried 5 gallon buckets but my grow room is small and moving them was a pain in the ass. So I just bought some 1x2's and some caster wheels at the hardware store and made my 18 gallon...
  11. turkeybaser

    DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

    Here's my bennies "house". Besides the tea each tote gets one of these with rooters myco and a little ZHO. Not shown are hydroton or lava rock with some molasses drizzled on it. I weigh them down with pieces of (shitty)blue air stones.
  12. turkeybaser

    DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

    I admit I haven't read every page of this thread(I actually search this thread if I have a question because it's so fucking big). Has Heisenberg ever changed the recipe? Just curious. Here's a before and after pic of my roots on the 3rd(posted them here) and here is an after pic of today...
  13. turkeybaser

    DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

    I am not Heisenberg, I am not an expert, but I would raise your water level and possibly spray/clean the brown roots with diluted tea to reinoculate. The new root growth looks good though. On a different note, can Actinovate be used in/with the tea? I've searched and several members mention...
  14. turkeybaser

    DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

    I would suggest brewing without the molasses. My first tea didn't have any "food" in it and it worked just fine. Although, I assume that there is some kind of microbe food in my Rooter's, since they recommend putting it directly into the res(in some sort of "housing"). Maybe brew smaller...
  15. turkeybaser

    DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

    Hi Heisenburg, I picked this "Multi-Enzyme Formula" made by Soil Secrets LLC, used for cheap. Looks really old. I couldn't find it on the company's website but they are still in business and going strong. Looks like it's "Diver's [can't make it out], Black Kelp, Green Kelp, Earthworm Castings...
  16. turkeybaser

    DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

    Stay the course. The brown slime takes a long time to go away completely but the main thing is the new, beautiful fishbone white, roots... As long as there are fat new roots the tea is kicking ass and taking names. I sterilized with effing everything... and the damn slime was back in days...
  17. turkeybaser

    DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

    Here's photographic proof of the "Heisenburg Method" :-) A tote with 5 blueberry cuttings... their roots were covered in nasty brown slime algae... This is about a week to week-and-a-half into treatment with beneficials. You can still see some of the brown slime that the benes haven't...
  18. turkeybaser

    Gard'n Grow Garden Water Filter?

    Nobody? No one has considered a dechlorinating garden hose filter like this?
  19. turkeybaser

    Gard'n Grow Garden Water Filter?

    Some dudes run a used grow equipment shop here in seattle and they're pushing this Gard'n gro water filter. It attaches to any garden hose as a filter. Says it filters 85% of chlorine, instantly. Is this a good...
  20. turkeybaser

    DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

    Excellent! Thank you again.