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  1. DannyBlaze

    Seedling help pics

    Start'em in sunshine mix 4 is my favorite with plain water the first week and then 200-300 ppms on the third watering this is in the cups and 1 gallons pots then after two weeks I'll use ffof once they have 3 sets of real leaves. I don't use no dome just dirt the lite warrior works too but...
  2. DannyBlaze

    Its about that time. Opinions Pease....

    You can freeze the trimming and trichomes with dry ice I think it is then you knock'em off the trichomes and it makes Powder Hash the video is on YouTube My trichomes are currently 1/4 amber tint this is exactly 8 weeks 12/12 I started the seeds soaking & germination on Xmas day I'm...
  3. DannyBlaze

    CANNABIS life after spider mites?

    Then strips work good they may come back pull out the strips again for a day that's all it'll take for the buds it depends on how much damage was done if they're feeling lightweight and kind of a crispy feel your not going to like smoke
  4. DannyBlaze

    Broken Branch - Is Grafting a Possibility?

    If it's slit down the middle good luck and be more careful you can try the duct tape but it never worked for me been there done that~ :lol::lol::lol:
  5. DannyBlaze

    Deficiency or Too Much Light Exposure??

    How big is your grow area 50 watts per square works for me hps I don't know about led's your plants don't look burnt so how much of nutrients are you feeding I thinking you've been underfeeding~
  6. DannyBlaze

    Before sprout problem

    If it's not growing it's a reason to worry :cry:
  7. DannyBlaze

    Deficiency or burn?

    I don't click on links my suggestion is to post the pic and question here~
  8. DannyBlaze

    Bag Seed is displaying K deficiency. Fix or toss?

    I'll always start extra cause you going to get a bad ones ~
  9. DannyBlaze

    Why have this plant decided to be droopy-doopy?

    What type of medium you using? I have six plants I used 2 bags of ffof I get 3 plants out of each bag so I get 3 tall and perky ones and 3 short and droopy ones I'm thinking each bag of ffof is different :cry:
  10. DannyBlaze


    The bottom leaf with the brown spots looks like you spilled something on it the other leaf with the pale light green looks underfed how many ppm is the 1/4 dose I'm thinking try 1/2 dose or 750 ppm~
  11. DannyBlaze

    5th Week Veg--Dying Lower Leaves

    The cfl's lights are weak they're good the first two weeks from seed or clones I think I've never grew clones but after 2nd week you need MH lights for veg and the HPS light for flowering they're a lot more powerful than cfl's the plants needs more lights the slow growth creates other issues ....
  12. DannyBlaze

    Is this a ph problem? (help would be awesome ima newb)

    You should put what dirt and what nutes yo using in the first post cause I'm not going to read it all:lol: the bubble thing is for hydro don't worry bout it:lol: your plant looks burnt are you using ph and ppm meters?
  13. DannyBlaze

    AZAMAX- NOT safe for flower. Quotes from precautionary booklet

    You don't want to write a book get to the point what the freak you got bugs you wanna get Hot Shot Pest Strips humans aren't surpose to breath them so use a day here and a day there and you won't hqve any freaking bugs....
  14. DannyBlaze

    leaves curling down?

    You can't go by what any one tells you dude Yo haven't even said what yo gave'em like what dirt what nutes have you use you need to post this info with some cool pic's like the one you got like what week of veg is this is this ffof and yo haven't fed it yet this is my guess it needs to be fed...
  15. DannyBlaze

    Germination Problems

    Sozk till they should sazk if they're good if they don't sazk they're no good some people sozk for 6 hours the thing about the paper towel baggie thing it's easy to get the paper too too wet this is why I'll use sunshine mix 4 water it let it drain and dry out for a day in a cup then put a bout...
  16. DannyBlaze

    2nd harvest, unintentionally pollinated again. Help please.

    do yo use a timer the whole grow block all light light leaks plz and yes one light cycle interruption I've turn off the lights in flower cycle for 15 mins and got ceeds...:lol:
  17. DannyBlaze

    In DIRE Need of HELP... Going on 4th week of Flowering and This Is Happening...

    I've never use calmag I do use sensi grow and bloom with the 4 hobbyist additive they worked . I'll give plain water every other feeding . 4th week they do start to die and you have to face the facts of life we all die at least once I've had a few life's any way the plants look over watered...
  18. DannyBlaze

    Spider mites - plan of action. Please comment

    Like easy cheezy go with Hot Shot Pest Strips no need to spray anything just open and enjoy a pest free life after 2 or 3 days all bugs will be gone then put the strips back in a plastic bag and save them pull out once a week for 4 hours will keep you bug free just remember Humans Beings...
  19. DannyBlaze

    Help me out !! 3rd week and really long hairs ! Pic included

    You talking bout the leaves the hairs look good the leaves look like they're getting to much nutes how often how much in ppm's do you use plain water every other time!
  20. DannyBlaze

    Fix a deficiency vs. overwatering

    Like what dirt/nute yo using how big is the beast look small burn and maybe retared :lol: