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  1. cheeseysynapse

    Give it Up for Michael Phelps!

    Hittin da BONG! Fuck the media! What a bunch of buzzards.
  2. cheeseysynapse

    Guantanamo bay

    The 6th amendment applies to U.S. citizens. See how you said "criminal prosecutions" Its not criminal..........Its military. We have civil courts, criminal courts, and military courts. Trying these individuals in criminal courts, in effect, bestows upon them the rights of U.S...
  3. cheeseysynapse

    Guantanamo bay

    The IHT article only mentions Said Ali al-Shihri. The AP article has him, and includes Abu al-Hareth Muhammad al-Oufi.
  4. cheeseysynapse

    Guantanamo bay

    And the hits keep on coming..................
  5. cheeseysynapse

    Even Aliens Went To The Inauguration!?

    This is the raw clip from CNN's coverage. About a few seconds in something zips across the mall.
  6. cheeseysynapse


    Sam Spiegel (Squeak E. Clean) and Ze Gonzales (DJ Zegon) (North America/South America....aka NASA) Damn..These boys got the hook-up...David Bryne, Kayne, Mia, Chuck name a few. <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie"...
  7. cheeseysynapse

    Best KB everrrr

    thats a fat 8th........i've had guys try to pass that as a 1/4
  8. cheeseysynapse

    Where's the craziest place you've smoked weed?

    I used to "sling fudge" (I know.....) at county and state fairs for a guy whose restaurant I worked at. Great money. Any the maryland state fair our booth was next to a family that sold silver jewelry......their daughter toked.....So, we would go out of the building and toke a one...
  9. cheeseysynapse

    I missed it :(

    Its on sunday. Prolly near or around primetime. You didn't miss much. The nat geo one was better.
  10. cheeseysynapse

    Guantanamo bay

    This one goes out to my man TINY Chirst. I guess a link isn't enough....well let me paste it here.........Because its SO DAMN hard to click a link and actually read! Oh, this is from the New York Times Int. edition - the IHT....So, I'm assuming, that makes it kosher as a source...
  11. cheeseysynapse

    Welcome to The Brave New World ...

    Contrary to popular opinion, socialized medicine does NOT cover everyone.
  12. cheeseysynapse

    Guantanamo bay

    OH, but no doubt his experience at Gitmo made him this way. For shame America.....
  13. cheeseysynapse

    Bob Pisani on CNBC.........WE NEED A BONG BREAK!

    Lamenting the market slide today........Holy shit that was funny. OMG....Then he was raggin on Trish Regan - the host of the Marijuana doc last night - "which part of the plant do you smoke?" Oh shit.....Some of the trader blogs will probably put it up on youtube sometime this weekend.
  14. cheeseysynapse

    CNBC tonight- Marijuana Inc.

    LOL Denny's! You can't get more stereotypical than that! So stoned he left it there! LMAO!
  15. cheeseysynapse

    CNBC tonight- Marijuana Inc.

    Goddamn those were some big ass generators!
  16. cheeseysynapse

    CNBC tonight- Marijuana Inc.

    If I'm not mistaken, Mendocino county allows or used to allow the largest or the most number of plants you could legally grow in CA....that brought a lot of gangs up there....I read an article they were going to lower the amount of legally allowed plants.
  17. cheeseysynapse

    Guided By Voices - 3.30.95 Hoboken NJ - Free download!

    Fuck you you fucking shits that don't know this shit! Sorry, but I'm just so fucking stoked I found this! WOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! For all the "old farts" that grew up on this me...........I give you via the aquarium drunkard blog -...
  18. cheeseysynapse

    To those who would complain about the unfair "Liberal Media"

    No, we're pointing out that for years, decades we have been claiming a bias. And reporters say "we're not liberal." And here's the Dean of the White House Press Corp. The mascot for the Old Grey Lady incarnate! And she lets loose that she is a liberal, and further extols how can a reporter...
  19. cheeseysynapse

    To those who would complain about the unfair "Liberal Media"

    Don't take it from me......... <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed...