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  1. L

    My first grow

    High Everybody, I've germinated my seeds in a soft pellet greenhouse dome. It's been a week and they are sprouting with two little leaves on them. This is where my panic comes in. I need LIGHT. If anyone out there is willing to lend some advice, I certainly will appreciate it. What type of UV...
  2. L

    First time medicinal grower

    Thanks for the info Trippy Stix
  3. L

    First time medicinal grower

    To JohnBaked, Wow! Lots of info. Thank you! Prob. dumb question, but with the 1-3 gal. pots isn't that to big with just the little cups I have with each little tiny plant coming out. And when I transplant from germination dome to pots should I water them and is there a suggested soil out there...
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    First time medicinal grower

    High Everybody, Just a question if anyone is willing to help with an answer. I recently germinated my seeds. It's been 5 days now and they are already showing life and it looks like the next phase....STEP 2. This is where my question comes in (I NEED HELP). What do I do next with each one...
  5. L

    Best things to do while you're high?

    To zack66 Nice pic, is that granddaddy purple? She's pretty
  6. L

    Best things to do while you're high?

    I agree completely! I too enjoy a hot shower while being baked. Then after a nice visit from the wife and I bust a nut, complete serenity. Sounds crazy, but so nice. Then watch some t.v. and smoke a bowl. I like to watch something cool, chill and funny. BAM! Your good to go. Real quick, on the...