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  1. 3milyRi

    The main word: NEW

    I'll for sure keep ya'll updated.
  2. 3milyRi

    The main word: NEW

    Thanks for the friendly advice and convo! Def made my night! lol and i agree, oddest and most random going down in the books
  3. 3milyRi

    The main word: NEW

    Sounds about right guys. Thanks. I will try this on him tomorrow. lol It's gonna go something like...I eat, I can sleep, gain some weight, oh and it makes me super fuckin horny so I'll want it all the time and never stop riding. and the cons are, it's illegal, and if I do it you might be a...
  4. 3milyRi

    The main word: NEW

    AHH I didn't notice that til just now. lol that was a good one.
  5. 3milyRi

    The main word: NEW

    funny story it kind of does ha! I'm not worried about explicit content. We're all adults on here and I am a stripper. lol8) **EDIT** and LMAO
  6. 3milyRi

    The main word: NEW

    It's decent pay, great on the body(as far as being in shape) as long as you set boundaries and don't let them get crossed, it's a pretty fun job.
  7. 3milyRi

    The main word: NEW

    That is the only con!! haha
  8. 3milyRi

    The main word: NEW

    His only reasonin is because it's illegal. I'm a freakin stripper for crying out loud, most of the girls snort crack and shoot up heroin for pete's sake. lol
  9. 3milyRi

    The main word: NEW

    TRUE THAT. I will use that as a Pro....I will make a pro's and con's list and present it to him...Pro's; Gain weight, helps me eat, helps me sleep, not as depressed, not going anywhere... Cons:
  10. 3milyRi

    The main word: NEW

    true that. haha. I need some new buddies.
  11. 3milyRi

    The main word: NEW

    Actually, he's one of those very RARE ones that doesn't lol he's squeeky clean sadly. nothing to hold against him. haha. But i've been in some trouble the last year... I have been trying to get him to smoke with me for the past 5 months
  12. 3milyRi

    The main word: NEW

    Haa I've thought about it. lol We dated before I started smoking, took a year off, and in that year I began smoking weed ...when we got back I was a whole new monster. I also quit smoking cigarettes cold turkey around the same time...I feel like hitting my head against a brick wall somedays
  13. 3milyRi

    The main word: NEW

    Well ...I joined because I can't talk to my fiance about it because he's 100000000% against it...and that is also the reason i no smoke in so long :( I am seiously considering starting back though....I don't get drug tested at my yaab and well...I crave it. lol
  14. 3milyRi

    Best things to do while you're high?

    My ex quit smoking for a while, when he started back, I did as well. We would go out to his truck, hit a few from a homemade bong and sit there a while. When we finally got restless we'd walk back inside...I always FEARED walking past his dad because his dad HATED weed for whatever reason and...
  15. 3milyRi

    The main word: NEW

    20, Female, Birmingham, AL. Yep, I'm new. Slightly obvious from my lack of posts and the main word thrown around in this section, which is NEW. haha. Just lookin to chat... I haven't smoked in...hrm...5 months..and it is KILLING ME:wall:. Anyone else in the same boat?