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  1. mrcool08

    Female pollinated by 2 different males.

    pick your biggest and strongest male plant 2 pollinate your female
  2. mrcool08

    How Cold Can Cannabis Tolerate?

    I Have 1 female growing OUTDOORS and i live in central scotland. the temperature drops 2 about 4 degrees at night yet my plant is growing healthier than ever, i have also noticed that the smell thats starting to develop is stronger than any of my indoor crops.......... in otherwards yes you can...
  3. mrcool08

    growing outdoors Scotland, U.K

    i have planted a healthy 12" female outside in my back garden, :hump: just wondering if any1 knows wot kind of yield this will produce? Weather here is realy unpredictable :confused: and also, what will rain do 2 my buds wen they start developing? :confused: chrz mr :joint: cool
  4. mrcool08

    Your salvia trips

    i smoked 35 x, couldnt stop laughing for hours lol and started walking slow motion
  5. mrcool08

    Top 44 skunk??

    ha ha terry ya fannie
  6. mrcool08

    Need Help !!

    i have 2 females both on 24 hr light, two 70 watt hps (perfect for vegging :hump:) they have been vegging for about 4 to 5 weeks, using home made hydroponics system. I've fed them every 10-14 days : IONICS GROW or when the tank needs topped up, theres healthy root systems and there dosen't seem...
  7. mrcool08

    Outdoor 08

    real good idea m8, where r u from? uk by ny chance because i was thinking of takin 5 ov my ladies up 2 a near by field and planting them, just wondering wot you think the outcome would b with british weather bein unpredictable? any suggestions?
  8. mrcool08

    Top 44 skunk??

    i already knw this but has any1 out there grew this type of weed? and if so wot was there outcome? wot kind of yield, hw it smokes? chrz
  9. mrcool08

    My first grow.. Early stages questions

    it sounds to me that you've put the seed in root up
  10. mrcool08

    Top 44 skunk??

    i got a pack of seeds from the web; top 44 skunk, germinated 6 of them and 4 popped. 1 female out of the 4. im going 2 take cuttings of the female and grow them hydroponics with 400 watt hps. its my first grow but ive had a little help along the way. but does any1 knw hw big you can grow them...