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  1. C

    Is it still safe to smoke it?

    Hahaha thats the first thing i thought when i read this lol
  2. C

    HELP Seedlings leaves clawing down burn on leaf tips and fringes and stunted Growth

    PH of untreated water is 7.5 roughly So Did some ph testing and adjusting tonight, I figured out exactly how much PH down to use to balance a 2 gallon watering container to where i was able to get it right where i want it at about a ph of 6 (yellow), Interestingly enough when i tested my nutes...
  3. C

    HELP Seedlings leaves clawing down burn on leaf tips and fringes and stunted Growth

    I havent tested the runoff yet or the nutrient mixture but will be doing that either tonight or tomorrow, as for the ice cubes aside from some air bubbles theyre pretty clear, so im thinking its not a PPM thing and more of the Water im using being far too alkaline for their liking, as the 7.5...
  4. C

    HELP Seedlings leaves clawing down burn on leaf tips and fringes and stunted Growth

    So i bought a ph testing kit i tested my tap water that ive been using and it came out to about 7.5ish a light green color, on the test kit it says plants do best in slightly acidic soild usually between 5.5 and 6.5, This is possibly a big breakthrough for me as it could be the answer to not...
  5. C

    Plant is dying. 7 weeks in flower. Yellow/brown spots with extremly dry curlingleaf

    With the amount its been fed and the damage id do at least 3x the volume of the container so 10 gallons
  6. C

    Plant is dying. 7 weeks in flower. Yellow/brown spots with extremly dry curlingleaf

    I would FLush it thoroughly wait 2 days flush again wait overnight and cut down the buds arent going to get better theyll just get worse and start to die then you have nothing salvage what bud you can and save whatever trimmings you have and make some canna-butter. Then start a completely new plant
  7. C

    Plant is dying. 7 weeks in flower. Yellow/brown spots with extremly dry curlingleaf

    I made this mistake as a rookie grower growing easy rider in a 24" box ahh the good ol days...Anyway from the information of the fan leaves being taken off and the overfert i would flush THOUROUGHLY and cut it down withing 72 hours of said flush because it isnt going to get better once the fan...
  8. C

    HELP Seedlings leaves clawing down burn on leaf tips and fringes and stunted Growth

    Yes i am using tap water and i have never tested it before which is probably foolish on my part, i did the hardwater test with water and dish soap and it doesnt seem like i have hardwater, but ill be picking up a ph testing kit tomorrow morning, at this point its the only thing i can think of...
  9. C

    HELP Seedlings leaves clawing down burn on leaf tips and fringes and stunted Growth

    Ok so i first want to say all 8 seedlings are of the same strain, og#18 by reserve privada they are currently in 6" pots with ocean forest organic soil they were transplanted from 4" pots in which they were in Happy frog organic soil, When they started in the 4 inch pots after about a week...
  10. C

    Encountering a bunch Issues week 5 flowering URGENT please help!!!

    I thought the brown spotting was caused by magnesium or calcium deficiency so i gave them all full feedings with a little extra calmag but as for the other plants problem Fan leaves yellowing from the bottom up quickly and gettins some grayish spots near the veins is it simple as nitrogen...
  11. C

    Encountering a bunch Issues week 5 flowering URGENT please help!!!

    These 2 shots are both from my OG 18 which its fan leaves are getting brown spots and yellowing which has gotten worse ok so this is my pineapple chunk which has had issues ever since my light fell on it severing the top week 2.5 of flowering the yellowing is getting severe and working its way...
  12. C

    Can growers legally sell to patients?

    Patients nor caregivers would be allowed to grow anything without a hardship cultivation permit, essentially the dipensories will have a monopoly on all MMJ sales people will be forced to pay dispensory prices and all this will do is force growers back underground and limit the options of the...
  13. C

    Can growers legally sell to patients?

    If the DPH gets these regulations passed the way they currently are by May 27 Caregivers will not be able to receive any payment/ donation for services provided, which to me makes no sense whatsoever how many people are going to be able to run a grow pay their bills and getting nothing back in...
  14. C

    Please Help me save my OG#18 URGENT problem getting WORSE

    The yellowing on my leaves insnt consistent with any of these images but the plants in color are very similar to the N toxicity plants so im wondering if you let an N tox go to long that the plant will begin to exhibit the strange yellowing of the leaves
  15. C

    Please Help me save my OG#18 URGENT problem getting WORSE

    its on 2 sets of fan leaves so i cant just pluck em it was nitrogent toxicity it has to be
  16. C

    Please Help me save my OG#18 URGENT problem getting WORSE

    its been weeks since the transplant and its moving up the fan leaves i flushed it a bit yesterday along with the other plant thats beginning to show signs of it my best guess is nitrogen toxicity its the only thing i can logically peg to whats going on with em
  17. C

    Please Help me save my OG#18 URGENT problem getting WORSE

    Symptoms of nitrogen toxicity are waxy looking shiny fan leaves which i have Not a nitrogen deficency, Nitrogen deficient plants do not ever look waxy or shiny
  18. C

    Please Help me save my OG#18 URGENT problem getting WORSE

    Is there any way this could possibly be later stages of nitrogen toxicity because the plants fan leaves at the top now have a waxy sheen to them after feeding them could the yellowing and browning of the bottom fan leaves be from N toxicity?
  19. C

    Anyone know what the cause of this is?

    Looks exactly like a manganese defficiency, id look into it
  20. C

    Please Help me save my OG#18 URGENT problem getting WORSE

    Phosphorous usually starts toward the top of the plant and yellows from the inside out the manganese also doesnt look like what i have as its not yellowing gradually throughout the leaf its from the outside in and the brown spots arent random on the plant they are on the ridges where its...