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  1. Entheogenic Shaman

    Water Content for Rockwool Cubes

    I hand water my cubes.... Richard Drysift, that's basically how I do it now but I am trying to find out if there is a percentage of water content for those cubes... I have heard 20-30% after sitting for several hours is good. So I am curious if anyone has had experience with these meters and the...
  2. Entheogenic Shaman

    Water Content for Rockwool Cubes

    I am having some issues with overwatering in 6" rockwool cubes. I am wondering if getting a water content meter might help with gaging how much water is being held in my cubes. Does anyone here know what the correct water content would be for 6" rockwool cubes?
  3. Entheogenic Shaman seedbank review

    I found some beans on I went ahead and ordered them using Western Union. I had a problem getting the information into the order properly. A couple of days later I received an email stating that the payment had been accepted, then a couple of days later saying the order had...
  4. Entheogenic Shaman

    Purple Maxx

    Is there a method to use Purple Maxx in the Res for hydro or should it just be used as foliar?
  5. Entheogenic Shaman

    G-13 problem?

    PPM is about 350 ph is approx 5.8 First grow using Hydro Got the seeds in a breeder pack labeled g-13xhaze I think that it may have been overheated and stunted a bit.
  6. Entheogenic Shaman

    G-13 problem?

    I had introcduced some clones, from a friends garde, that were infested with spider mites. I used neem oil as a preventatives, and may have burned them. I have been using 1/2 strength nutes, advanced nutrients Sensi grow a and b. Are you saing I should up the nutrients?
  7. Entheogenic Shaman

    G-13 problem?

    These are some pix of my G-13. It is 6 weeks old about 5" tall and has been having slow growth and is showing some signs of wilting/browning on the lower leaves. Does anyone have any thoughts/suggestions?
  8. Entheogenic Shaman

    Oakton tdstestr4

    I havent been able to find the vibrator function yet. I will give it to the little woman, if its on there, she will find it...LOL It is a waterproof TDS tester, I also have a water proof ph tester that looks the same, no vibrator function on that either.
  9. Entheogenic Shaman

    Oakton tdstestr4

    Here is a pic of it.
  10. Entheogenic Shaman

    Oakton tdstestr4

    I just purchased an Oakton TDSTETSR4 from Ebay. It was used and came with no instructions. I got it for 29.00. I am confused about the readout, it reads out in 0.00. I am wondering how this equated to ppm? Also, do these units need calibration? If anyone has experience with this type of tester...
  11. Entheogenic Shaman

    How to save a Germinated seed?

    Put it into your grow medium........
  12. Entheogenic Shaman

    toad licking!!!

    At least it isnt butt hash. Look that one up... IT IS FOUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Entheogenic Shaman

    Ventilating two rooms

    Going to be using 1-2 600 watt hps in flower room and 1 8 bank of t-5 flourescents in veg.
  14. Entheogenic Shaman

    Ventilating two rooms

    I have two rooms, one for veg and one for flower. The room are next to each other and are each about 500 cf. I am wondering if I can use one powerful vortex fan, say 450 cfm or more and put split ducting in order to vent both rooms from one exhaust fan. Any feedback on this is appreciated.
  15. Entheogenic Shaman

    G13xHaze Seedlings need HELP!!!

    Thanks for the help. I have them on tap water, but I let it sit for 24 hours to off gas the chlorine, then adjust PH. The Golden Humic Extract aloows them to take up nutrients better, its supposed to be good for germination and early stage seedlings. The lights are 18 inches away from the tops.
  16. Entheogenic Shaman

    G13xHaze Seedlings need HELP!!!

    I have 4 G13xHaze seedlings. They are 2 weeks from seed and dont look so good. I have them in a recirculating DWC on straight water. I top fed them with Golden Humic Extract. Lighting is an 8 bank t5 PH is approx 5.8 Room temp is 82 degrees, kinda hot, but I cant seem to get it lower I have...
  17. Entheogenic Shaman

    TC Clones gone awry

    Anybody..... Beuller....Beuller?
  18. Entheogenic Shaman

    TC Clones gone awry

    I received two TC clones from a friend on Monday night. When I placed them in my grow medium and sprayed them, I noticed that they had a bunch of spider mites. This kinda pissed me off because I have several 2 week old seedlings in the same room. The next day, I went out and bought a Neem...
  19. Entheogenic Shaman

    Influencing the sex of seedlings

    Yes, but arent fem seeds from hermie plants which would give them more probability of going hermie?
  20. Entheogenic Shaman

    has anyone ever ordered seeds from this place

    I placed an order with and received it in the U.S. in 7 days. i have heard of people not receiving their orders due to customs.