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  1. F

    When to germinate?

    I'd be typing more but there's a really weird issue with typing on this site for me.... after the 2nd line of text it goes haywire... so are the right materials available to me at like a home depo, walmart, or target? all the soils I've seen suggested are often an online purchase, which I'm...
  2. F

    When to germinate?

    I'm feeling pretty good about where to go with this, only issue is I don't know where to find the right soil and from there I know nothing about what kinds of nutrients to give, how much, when, or how often..
  3. F

    When to germinate?

    could you elaborate on that bold part? just not sure if you meant something specific
  4. F

    When to germinate?

    well ya got me pegged.... all I have done so far is some research and a failed indoor grow as far as soil... any easy to find soil suggestions?
  5. F

    When to germinate?

    even if starting sooner would give the pats a slight head start on growth?
  6. F

    When to germinate?

    OK... so I know this isn't optimal but... 2 summer's ago a friend of mine's father had a small plant that he just kept in a pot in his back yard... the buds were fluffy and the damn thing was probly 8" tall... I'm aware that nobody strives for this but... I'm just gonna see what happens with...
  7. F


    thanks for clearing that up, when i tried googling it and nothing came up i knew there'd be some reason why it wasn't viable
  8. F


    Ok so i'm assuming this is going to end up being a really stupid post... but since I've got little to no knowledge of how these things work... here goes... So your car can't produce enough power to run a high end stereo right? So we get an amplifier to produce the power needed and a capacitor...
  9. F

    Did it really cost me this much??

    yea i know the heaters are killer but it's pretty much only an hour a day total of those being used AND more importantly.. this isn't something that is new, we've used those heaters in the saem general capacity since buying the house
  10. F

    Did it really cost me this much??

    so the only breaker that's warm right now is labeled "hot water heater" and the wife and i just ran the place outa hot water so that all makes sense. would it suck more energy with me running the CFLs through cheap adapters? The only simple candleabra bulb holders i could find were for E12...
  11. F

    Did it really cost me this much??

    thank god... i'd rather be trying to figure out what the hell is going on than finding a way to justify what would no doubt have ben a waaaaay higher cost once i have a DECENT setup going... we keep the house pretty cold so space heaters get used every day... i'd say the bathroom one runs for...
  12. F

    Did it really cost me this much??

    The wife and I are headed out of here for the weekend and so my first "grow" is comming to an end... to those that have read some of my other posts you know how horrible the conditions were and that i had no clue what i was doing and had horrible everything lol.. so no loss on these plants i...
  13. F

    Why didn't my humidity change?

    thanks for the info guys- i really was not aware that humidity wasn't a huge factor. its a pretty small closet and some air can escape under the makeshift door but it's pretty well sealed otherwise, so i'm thinking the humidifier just sucks or the temp/humidity gauge sucks - either way i'm...
  14. F

    Why didn't my humidity change?

    Quick question before i head to work... last night i added our humidifier to my eperimntal grow closet... really i'm just trying to get the humidity right and work on conditions like that... it's really not a large space at all... with 113 watts of CFL in there the temp is like 72-79 so i'm...
  15. F

    Indica vs. Sativa

    hehe - i agree that it's all weed in our eyes as well as the law's... but Bakatare saw the same thing i did... just an interesting topic to me i guess... so how do the different strains effect differently though?
  16. F

    Indica vs. Sativa

    Just saw soemthing on TV last night about how only one of these is technically considered cannabis... I'd imagine ither way one is screwed if they are caught, but i figured someone here would know just what the hell that means and what the difference betweent hem is... (btw which types are...
  17. F

    So what's wrong with these?

    ok, just wanted to check that- i alsoa ssumed it was nute burn and once i have a proper location set up and I'm ready to try another grow i will not be using MG
  18. F

    So what's wrong with these?

    I'm also aware that these cups should not be clear and are likely too small... i'm just sorta torturing the plants for my own knowledge :fire:
  19. F

    So what's wrong with these?

    Ok.. i realize these look pretty bad.. just wanted to see what's going on with them.. this is a grow that i already know is never going anywhere, i'm only keeping it going to learn... the closet they are in is at about 72 degrees and only around 25% humidity which i know is way too low.... I've...
  20. F

    Here's a crazy idea...

    sorry i took so long getting back to my own thread... decided that i'm going to just play around with my initial bagseed grow... it's not going to pan out but for now they'r growing.. i ordered some things via amazon... got my thermo/hydrometer today.. so now i can find out just what kind of...