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  1. lolapug2175

    using sugared water

    While we're on the topic Born2KillSpam, I was curious to get your thoughts on the difference of carbohydrate sources. Refined sugar water V.S cruder forms of Carbs. Does it make any difference? My logic tells me otherwise however, I would like to here your input on the topic. -Best
  2. lolapug2175

    using sugared water

    While we're on the topic Born2KillSpam, I was curious to get your thoughts on the difference of carbohydrate sources. Refined sugar water V.S cruder forms of Carbs. Does it make any difference? My logic tells me otherwise however, I would like to here your input on the topic. -Best
  3. lolapug2175

    using sugared water

    Yeah.... pretty sure that the ethanol would evaporate prior to combustion..If not a good pop due to combustion....
  4. lolapug2175

    Purple Maxx Demystified.

    I have recently been hitting the forum attempting to uncover what this product really is and how others are using it. I have been fairly disappointed to find very little activity/chatter regarding this product. It seems that the only activity I have found is the usual product misconception and...
  5. lolapug2175

    sugars and plants

    Sugars Provide nothing directly to/for your plant! They feed the bacteria existing in the rhizome layer adjacent to the root or on the surface of the leaf which in turn processes the micro/macro elements for the plant. 2.5ml to 5ml per gallon every other week in-conjunction with regiment of...
  6. lolapug2175

    using sugared water

    It's amazing how misinformed people are regarding the introduction of carbohydrates in horticulture! With all the legitimate information available on the internet people still retain the information put-forth by the misinformed. 1.) Plants cannot 'Directly' uptake carbohydrate molecules...
  7. lolapug2175

    Plant tissue culture as a way to clone on a mass scale??

    keep in mind that tissue propagation can/does take more than 2/4 months for usable starts to develop. It is a myth that mothers can be negated. raw genetic material must be obtained freshly batch to batch. alternatively all that is required can be obtained from a few leaves. Honestly from your...
  8. lolapug2175

    using sugared water

    It's amazing how misinformed people are regarding the introduction of carbohydrates in horticulture! With all the legitimate information available on the internet people still retain the information put-forth by the misinformed. 1.) Plants cannot 'Directly' uptake carbohydrate molecules...
  9. lolapug2175

    Soil pH Question.

    FYI, the chart jff1978 is displaying is inaccurate, A bar graph is a very poor method to establish uptake deltas of various micro/macro nutrients. Please also consider PH is not working alone to supply the root with the essential complex it requires. Is not enough to just consider PH due to...
  10. lolapug2175

    The Symbiotic Rhizome Zone; Developing and sustaining active cultures.

    I have not tried experimenting with mycorrhizae. I recently had a very long discussion regarding a special strain that is to impossible to cloan. It was sugessted that I try experimenting with mycorrhizae. Exactly how does this assist the process of rooting?
  11. lolapug2175

    Brix Levels; it's relevance to cannabis carbohydrate loading and enzymatic breakdown.

    Hi Seamaiden, Thank you for fallowing the fork I apologize to all for failing to link the new thread. Regarding your post... Point well noted! Describing the method of drinking the water with out discussing the glass can make for a difficult explanation. My intention was not to halt the...
  12. lolapug2175

    The Symbiotic Rhizome Zone; Developing and sustaining active cultures.

    I originally initiated a thread relating to the practice of carbohydrate loading and brix levels in a flowering plant. This topic engaged a few very knowledgeable contributers who touched on different complex tangents in the process of posting their relevant information. I became inspired to...
  13. lolapug2175

    Brix Levels; it's relevance to cannabis carbohydrate loading and enzymatic breakdown.

    Many, Many, Many thanks to all you who are contributing with this thread!! By initiating this post I was hoping to dispel much of the misappropriated information surrounding the practice of carloading in the 'canna-culture'. Typical to complex topics of discussion, many different Threads may be...
  14. lolapug2175

    Brix Levels; it's relevance to cannabis carbohydrate loading and enzymatic breakdown.

    Thank you for all of your comments Born2killspam!! I have been doing a bit more research to back up the information you have provided. After reviewing several online technical journals explaining this process in great depth, I crossed this information with a few phone conversations to various...
  15. lolapug2175

    Brix Levels; it's relevance to cannabis carbohydrate loading and enzymatic breakdown.

    Phenomenal reply Born2killspam!! This is a very important part of the process for us (the community) to understand. So... please correct me if I have misinterpreted you. It seems that you are stating the plants benefit only from the practice of carb-loading by providing carbohydrates to assist...
  16. lolapug2175

    Brix Levels; it's relevance to cannabis carbohydrate loading and enzymatic breakdown.

    Great post Born2killspam!! This raises a very appropriate question. Is the purpose of carb-loading directly affecting the plant or is assisting the metabolic process of the 'reducing agents'?
  17. lolapug2175

    Brix Levels; it's relevance to cannabis carbohydrate loading and enzymatic breakdown.

    Mr Baker, great comments! This brings up a few more relevant questions that have developed as a result of my inquiry to the validity of this practice. I was not aware there was enough sulfur in Molasses to be significantly beneficial to a flowering plant or at leased not more than is available...
  18. lolapug2175

    Brix Levels; it's relevance to cannabis carbohydrate loading and enzymatic breakdown.

    Recently I have become more fascinated with the practice of carbohydrate loading during the various periods of the flowering cycle in a hydroponics system. It was something that I had never payed close attention to, as developing, managing and maintaining an optimal salts regiment is an...