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  1. B

    Caregiver growing for patient?

    Hi, Are there any caregivers able to grow a specific strain for my wife? She has her MMJ recommendation. Thanks
  2. B

    Caregiver for Wife

    My wife has her MMJ certificate. What's the best way of finding a caregiver for her? If I recall correctly, she can have one legally. Am I stating this correctly? Want to go about this the proper way. Thanks
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    RSO in MA

    Great board everyone, love the info. I've posted this in the Mass thread but figured I would do it here too since I'm close to RI. Does anyone know if I can locate some RSO for cancer treatment in MA? Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks
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    RSO in MA

    Has anyone been able to get any RSO in Mass? Looking for cancer treatments. Thanks
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    Dimmable Balast Recommendations

    Just finishing setting up my 4x4 tent with a 400W. Last piece I need is a Ballast. Can anyone send some recommendations? I've seen the following...
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    Massachetts help for RSO

    Hi, My wife is probably going to get her MMJ card very soon and wanted to start her on RSO. Since I wanted to start this as soon as possible, growing from scratch right now isn't a great option. I know a full treatment is 60 days worth which is 1lb of bud. It would be tough to come...