Search results

  1. W

    would you bone this older japanese woman?

    it's like crystal meth's twin in pill form.
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    would you bone this older japanese woman?

    i'm high 120 mg of dexedrine and am having a jolly good time browsing asian porn @ 3:30 AM.
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    would you bone this older japanese woman?

    i would.
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    A male. Damn

    i would transplant it at your city hall or somewhere official like that to make a point that marijuana can never be stopped. that's just my 'ol drunkin' stoned self, though. peace.
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    Drug Bust - 3 tons of marijuana

    damn -- someone's about to spend the rest of their life in prison. sad.
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    The best way to smoke pot

    i enjoy water-filtered because it enables me to kill a .6 G in one hit... and that's a lot of smoke for one hit... which equals = major stonage for many, many hours. i love my bubbler. peace.
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    260 tons of hash seized along with 2.5 tons of opium

    how much trimming/buds would it take to produce 260 tons of hash?
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    Tenacious D!

    ...and apparently, jack black and buckethead are friends. lulz.
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    Tenacious D!

    i'm not too much a fan of their music but i saw a movie of theirs that had me crackin' up. i have respect for them, nonetheless.
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    How Much is an Ounce of Bud in your Area

    i'm in southern california. i pay $200 even for 34 grams of medicinal-quality dank folks be paying $350-$500 in other parts of the country... atleast according to my own research on various marijuana forums. rock-hard nugs that all go through the curing process for atleast 2 months. makes me...
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    buckethead is a guitar god whom with music i masturbate to religiously. view this buckethead playlist if you're unfamiliar with his music and want to get into it: YouTube - lulzepik's Channel buckethead's music is something phenomenal... those who speak other wise just need to do a bit more...
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    The best way to smoke pot

    i'm highly fond of THE BUBBLER!!! either that, or -- THE BONG!!! water filtration always allows me to take the hugest rips possible -- which is what i love to do when it comes to smoking them tasty treats!
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    i've jumped off the oceanside pier so many friggin' times when i was younger. there's a ladder at the end... so it makes it worthy... :-)
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    what about a proposition for recreational use?

    well, if what i said makes me a medical user -- then i guess i'm not going to complain about that... :-) cheers from oceanside!
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    is my girl ready?

    hell yeah -- any improvements with the "vegetation" odor, yet? ain't nothing better then some home-grown ganja... :-) in a perfect america -- EVERYONE would be growing their own candy.
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    1st Grow. Fem. Cheese

    oh wow -- they sure are some eye candy. *drool*
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    is my girl ready?

    How's the smell of the buds, so far?
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    Salvia is the DEVIL! EDUCATION is the DEVIL!

    i only do salvia when i'm alone.'s just a kind of trip that i must be alone in order to be comfortable... because salvia can be pretty intense -- especially if smoked right with highly extracted product.
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    what about a proposition for recreational use?

    what about recreational marijuana use? everyone's all strong and supportive about california proposition 215 but it only allows sick people legal access to nicely grown marijuana. ...and i'm not going to fake my way into becoming a canna-card holder just for the easy-access to the buds when...
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    strains for pain

    i find every strain of marijuana to be effective.