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  1. W

    Worried about Seedlings in Rockwool Cubes, Previous Seedlings Died from Damping Off

    (originally 3 posts, condensed into one when the seedlings died, thought it might be useful to keep around for people fighting pythium in seedlings) Hi, I was wondering if someone might be able to point me on the right path with my seedlings. I have 3 Nirvana Misty seedlings in rockwool cubes...
  2. W

    Salvaging busted pH meter?

    well, I had to leave the ph meter in the bag of rice for about a week, but it finally works again! thanks so much for the idea.
  3. W

    Salvaging busted pH meter?

    thanks so much! I'll go try that now and post how it works tomorrow.
  4. W

    Salvaging busted pH meter?

    Heya folks, so, I have a hanna pH checker and it got knocked into a pail of water (way past the probe and into the part where it says "don't let water get above this line!!") The readout still works and everything, but it won't go above 4.05 or so. I've tried removing the batteries to let its...
  5. W

    Electrical/Workworking Help With Scrub's Cabinet Please

    Good evening ladies and gentlemen. I'm attempting to copy Scrub's cabinet to use for flowering, with directions found here: (along with handy dandy pictures) and am having a bit of trouble understanding the directions for building the...
  6. W


    I've had luck with various strains, it seems more strain specific than whether its indica/sativa. I know California Orange Bud did well one time.
  7. W

    Good Strains for Tardive Dyskinesia?

    Hi folks, I'm trying to find out if anyone has any experience with, or suggestions for, a good strain for the treatment of tardive dyskinesia, a very painful tic disorder that is similar to (and often indistinguishable from) tourette's syndrom. (Tardive dyskinesia - Wikipedia, the free...