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    strains with highest indoor yields...

    just started the ultimate fra dutch passion, for a mother then in a 36 plant sog, to see if they yield as they say..any1 tried it??

    phyto lumen

    would phyto lumen mean the same as lumen?? eks. looked at 2 bulbs one says 400w 56000 lumen the other 400w 58000 lumens - 128.000 [Phyto-Lumens]

    New to the forum, would like to ask for some info on how best to setup fans

    i would say ure fan 1 is too small for a 400w..

    ebb flood and drain or dwc

    yea looks like crap doesnt it, was my first try though have learned alot since then:blsmoke:

    revers osmosis / ph

    ty for the info, have had a look there not sure if i am saveing anything though since i live in europe..

    ebb flood and drain or dwc

    i hope u can see the pics right, but it can give u the idea to how it works,, the yellow hose(pic 1) comes from the pump, and there is a plug at the end of the hose.(almost the length of the tray) then just add connectors to the hose, from there connect the smaller hose to make a drip ring...

    revers osmosis / ph

    it just means there is alot of solids in the tap water... thx for the replys guys:smile:

    ebb flood and drain or dwc

    a top feed system is a very easy system to do, im building a new 1 myself. which is best i think is a preference,, if u want details on the 1 im makeing just let me know;)

    revers osmosis / ph

    im in the process of buildning op a new hydro system, and the next on my list is a revers osmosis system, but was wondering, is the ph easier to hold stabil with ro water than without??? i should put in that my tap water has a ph of 8,5 and holds alot of salts.:leaf: thx nexxus
  10. NEXXUS

    Welcome New Members!

    hello all just a hello from scandinavia, pretty new at this growing stuff,but not new on useing it :joint: :o so my first grow is skunk#1 / sensi skunk(sensii seeds) in soil. and i must say im pretty satified on the progress, pics and more info will come soon. just 1 `? though. i used a 15...