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    Pink Floyd

    I can't think of a better band to relax to when getting fucked up! Comfortably numb is my favorite, but calling one Pink Floyd song a favorite is hard because they are such an awsome and lengendary band
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    Image Association

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    Image Association

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    Image Association

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    Image Association

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    My Girlfriend ..

    Seriously you have to have the break up sex, and finish it off my nailing her ass as hard as you can then just roll over and tell her to get the fuck out.
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    does any one jump fences and steel weed?

    About three weeks ago my brother and I were scouting our deer hunting woods for potential tree stand sites when we came across about 15-20 plants. Ranging anywhere from 6 to 8 feet tall. I'm leaving them alone for now because first of all it's not my property I just have permission to be there...
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    How Much Do You Pay For Marijuana ?

    Here in my neighborhood schwag - 10 1/8, 20 1/4, 50-60 an oz Mids - 15 1/8, 25-40, 80-100 an oz the good shit varies anywhere from 40-70 1/8, 80-120 1/4, 300 -400 an oz I've been growing for personal now for about 4 years, so it could have changed some by now.
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    Use of the word "honky"?!

    I can't say I've ever been offended by being called a "honkey". I just laugh at it and go on but it also takes a lot to piss me off. In college my black friends would always call me "cracker" but they knew it didn't bother me just as it didn't bother them if I responded back by saying "nigga"...
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    people who are against homosexuality

    What the FUCK! This has to be an all-time lamest post!
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    Legislator Tries To Legalize Our Crops

    Is it just me or does Barney Frank look high in his picture.
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    Hairy Vs Shaved?

    Not trying to step on anyones toes or what not, but seriously a freakin huge ass bush would scare me into thinking that they don't take care of themselves as well. Besides I'm just giving my opinion and I never asked for yours so BUZZ OFF!
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    what do you guys get out of smoking?

    Seriously it does lower your blood pressure. Atleast when your high anyway. High Blood pressure runs in my family and yes I have inherited it as well, I noticed this one day when I got off work and had checked my pressure at Wal-Mart. It came out like 177 over 100 which is Hypertension level 2...
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    How You Smoke Them?

    Pinchies. It makes it last longer, and you get the most out of your stash. There is no wasted weed from passing around or stopping between hits. I still hit my glass pipe a lot. My wife bought it for me 11 years ago on our honeymoon. How cool is that?
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    Hairy Vs Shaved?

    Landing Strip is the best. It shows that they take care of themselves but like to keep it natural too.
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    Religious Stoners.

    I am a Christian and I smoke weed simply because I love weed, and I truly believe god put it here to make this world a better place.
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    My Problem With Christianity

    I myself am a Christian, and I agree that Christians can often times be the most judgemental people around. The other day I was playing some hoops with my neighbor and my cousin pulls up and has the nerve to ask why the heck are you associating yourself with him. My response to him was "why are...
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    illinois near stl,anyone live near by?

    I live about 2 hours away right off I-70.
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    Your First Joint

    I had just broken up with a girlfriend when I was 16. I was just walking around town pissed off because she'd been fucking the new kid in town from Ohio. Then a couple of my buddies picked me up, so I went and kicked Trevor's ass (new kid) they just made sure Trevor didn't have his friends jump...
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    How high are you... RIGHT NOW?

    Smoking as I type, I'd say I'm about 9 or so but working on 10.