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  1. R

    trying to decide if i want to make cannabutter or oil

    i just found a very small recipe of 1 gram of bud to 1 tablespoon of oil cook in a spoon for a few mins over an open flame hows that sound?
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    THC Degradation...

    When you heat it, the rate of reaction speeds up so the THC gets activated faster because the particles are moving about faster, therefore there is a higher chance they will collide and with the right force and shape to activate the THC. et al. The truth is that THC is stored inside the...
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    trying to decide if i want to make cannabutter or oil

    so you should know a good recipe for canna oil right? :-P
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    trying to decide if i want to make cannabutter or oil

    dude where'd you get that cap m quick thing?
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    marijuana vodka

    its worth a try! like you said, you'd just be throwing the stems away, so even if it doesnt work , you wont lose anything
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    trying to decide if i want to make cannabutter or oil

    ha, thats not what i've been reading!
  7. R

    marijuana vodka

    hmm, would the stems not lose what little potency they have over years? and i kinda doubt just stems would do the trick, but hell, who knows...i'd really like to get an explanation on why it works, if it works.
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    trying to decide if i want to make cannabutter or oil

    eh? 1 serving? not really, especially considering the fact that i'm a light weight weed smoker....doesnt take me much. i found a recipe on here the other day for 1 stick of butter to 1/8 ounce of bud but i cant seem to find it again. if i did the oil, i'd plan on putting the oil into capsules.
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    trying to decide if i want to make cannabutter or oil

    so i've been reading threads all day trying to figure out the right recipe for me. i was set on cannabutter, but then i saw a recipe for oil that only takes 2-3 hours, however, the recipe called for like 30 something ounces of oil and a QP of bud! i just want to use like 1/8 of some decent bud...
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    marijuana vodka

    this might be a stupid question, but why would putting weed in alcohol activate any cannabinoids? is THC not heat activated at 360 degrees F? someone explain this to me please
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    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    hey my plants are around 80-85 degrees sometimes get to 88, i'm not sure why its so inconsistent, but is that temp too high? my leaves on all my plants have started to curl under, then i watered them more then they started curling up, and now some are curled under and some are curled up. sounds...
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    my plants are dieing and i dont know why!

    my plants are about 2 weeks old and i wake up one morning and they're all shriveled, they were pretty dry but i water them once daily. so the past 2 days i've watered them twice daily and yesterday about half of them started to perk back up but today all of their leaves are curled upward. i have...
  13. R

    light cycle

    I read in Marijuana Horticulture that the longer you have the lights on the more it influences male growth. idk if thats true or not, but thats what the book says. if anyone knows anything about that let me know.
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    first grow, in 45g rubbermaids, need tips

    you think they'll be alright after i transplant them and put soil up to the bottom 2 leaves?
  15. R

    first grow, in 45g rubbermaids, need tips

    hmm...this thread is getting no responses... PICS- notice in the pics that a couple of the plants are laying over but growing back up towards the light...all my stems have stretched horribly, which i will fix when i repot them by putting soil all the way up to the first 2 leaves (cant remember...
  16. R

    first grow, in 45g rubbermaids, need tips

    Cheetah2007-thanks! i'm trying joefish- i'm trying not to be too protective of them, but its hard :mrgreen: i water them once every 2 or 3 days and i usually dont look at them unless i water them PICS- notice in the pics that a couple of the plants are laying over but growing back up towards...
  17. R

    first grow, in 45g rubbermaids, need tips

    yeah im sure i can find something laying around the house that will work.
  18. R

    first grow, in 45g rubbermaids, need tips

    thank you all for helping me! i've now got 5 sprouts! see the pics, the 3 came out overnight, 1 is just barely out of the soil though...the 2 oldest ones seem to be stretching considerably. but the light is at the very top of the box and the plants are at the very bottom, so i understand i need...
  19. R

    first grow, in 45g rubbermaids, need tips

    thank you all for helping me! i've now got 5 sprouts! see the pics, the 3 came out overnight, 1 is just barely out of the soil though...the 2 oldest ones seem to be stretching considerably. but the light is at the very top of the box and the plants are at the very bottom, so i understand i need...