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  1. W

    NEW Hydroponic/Aeroponic Design

    Ok guys, inspired by a great guy - StinkBud, I decided to go out on a trek for a better system design. I mean, everyone has their own VERSION of a Hydroponic or Aeroponic system, but none are actually NEW growth methods. So, I decided to make an EASY to use, and VERY inexpensive to set up...
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    New RUBBERMAID grow concept.

    ok... So to all those who are presently using stealth rubbermaid CFL bins and are liking what they see and get from these handy bins....I got one thing to say. WATER COOLED HPS - replacing CFL's. IF you have a 'bit' (haha) of extra cash and your kinda bored with this getup, why not search...
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    can you kill seeds?

    So they won't pop at all after? (if they can die) So it might have been too hot... like 90 F or more.. also over watered... I dono, only one seed has a TINY sprout coming out and the thing is, it hasn't grown at all in the past few days since it came out. I am getting worried that the seeds...
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    few quick questions for my grow

    got 4 purple cindy seeds, theyre good from what I read in an ebook... They didn't sink in water. I put them in soil after 10 hrs in water. only been 18 more hours since Now, the room is fairly cold - maybe 68ish, sometimes a little warmer..., I don't have a heater for the room, but I'm...
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    YAY Got seeds today! GOT MY SEEDS TODAY! Super Seeds ftw! Exclusive seed... You'll see it soon!
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    Random "WOW" for myself...

    OKAY GUYS, this is serious.. I had some plants for the last 2 years, just sitting by the window in some plain backyard soil... just give them plain water whenever they need. Well, they had always just looked pale green, leaves occasionally browning on the ends... etc all those normal problems...
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    just noticed the cfl forum...

    im anxious to use a mix of Full Spectrum Light Bulbs and Phlips MasterColor Ceramic Metal Halide ~ CMH ~ HPS-Retro White (water cooled) in a grow chamber...... OMG SOON excited.
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    I have done a lot of research for plant growth and as eager as I am to go straight to hydroponics, I figure the best thing to do is take my time and learn the ropes. So, I have everything pretty much figured out - Light, Chamber, CO2, etc... Just need to get the right soil. Questions: I plan...
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    Anyone ever hear of or use ZeoPro soil add. products? It's apparently used by NASA? I donno... I am sure it won't really matter, but hey... It might be the 'advanced' thing in soil culture. Just want some feedback if any is available.
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    Aerogarden or Soil (CFL) grow

    Before I decide to get a soil op. going (I will have lot's of pics if it goes well ;)) I want to know a few solids about the aerogarden.... 1. Can I put any CFL's into the aerogarden light sockets? I want to use Full Spectrum Light Bulbs (like energy savers, but better) but want to make sure...
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    doctors helping pot growers!

    Anyone ever tried Doctor Mercola's brand CFL bulbs that come in 20 and 30 watts? I just may... ... Full Spectrum Light Bulbs There is a lot of info, but if you hate to read just scroll to the bottom.
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    Soon to Journal this Setup...

    Ok, so I have a bit of money saved up and I really want to try something completely experimental... Bare with me... So I am planning on getting a Large grow chamber, a Volksgarden and some more goodies to get a grow going... First I plan to have a few 'window fans' with a built-in thermostat...
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    REAL new-age mary-jane production *CONCEPT*

    Disclaimer: No further Questions or ANY Litigation of any kind will be accepted at this time. Big words huh? Yea ;) I am definitely a sociopath with the best of both worlds. So says my amazing woman - at least the part about being the best... eahh. So first I will just go over some...