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  1. Canadabis

    weapon of choice

    All my bongs are pleasing to look at, and to toke, haha... :joint:
  2. Canadabis

    Post some of your reputation comments

    hope u feel better ~ Dave great song choice, CannaBoss Input much appreciated,- Imtylerdammit 7g trip, way to go...jollygreengiant ............................................. grow up!
  3. Canadabis

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    7:40am, im fucking blitzed, nuff said.
  4. Canadabis

    Betty or Veronica?

    Betty or Veronica? I say Veronica because naturally black hair and green eyes are hawt!
  5. Canadabis

    "A bong without any water is just a pipe"

    i think its a good stoner motto to live by. i even put it as my sig! :joint: *edit* oh and btw i actually have tried using my bong without water, its like taking HUGE tokes off a pipe.
  6. Canadabis


    Closest i've been to scotland was their fans at an international friendly!
  7. Canadabis

    Today is a bad day.

    Smoke is NOT a downer, alchohol is a downer, and i've tried shrooms before, that just sends your phsyc all of over the place. I dont know, i guess you could say im better than i used to be with this all, but some days it just comes back like a nightmare, and that whole day is ruined.
  8. Canadabis

    Today is a bad day.

    It sounds easier than it is.
  9. Canadabis

    The bomb smoke or no smoke?

    HAH, if i had enough money maybe!
  10. Canadabis

    Today is a bad day.

    I'm pretty sure that i dont lack "spirituality" as much as i lack the love of another.
  11. Canadabis

    Today is a bad day.

    i cant do that though, cause i gotta work full time and i cant be depressed at work...its embarrasing.
  12. Canadabis

    Today is a bad day.

    well my worst possible thing imagineable happened today. Of course my depression is kicking this morning (had a court date, and didn't want to be high) so depression is raging all day until i get home where i grab my bong and pack a bowl. I take the first toke when i start to realise im not...
  13. Canadabis

    DAMN, that K1Ng5p4d3 motherfucker is one hell of a guy!!!

    This is a good idea, ill have to do this on my 420th post! +reps!
  14. Canadabis

    Madden 09 on PSP

    i got 08, but i haven't updated yet, sorry! :joint:
  15. Canadabis

    ROOR vs ILLADELPH who wins

    ^^ Quoted for Truth.
  16. Canadabis

    Anybody ever toss a piece of spark plug at a car window?

    awww gawd, here starts the bickering!
  17. Canadabis

    Fantasy Football

    I'm very interested!
  18. Canadabis

    prank phone call - coke dealer.

    I love doing that!
  19. Canadabis

    NFL fans..

    Dont you love it? :lol:
  20. Canadabis

    Not sure who to vote for ?

    who woulda thought 20-30 years ago that america would even be CONSIDERING a black president...Its great to see the world is finally getting its shit together.