Search results

  1. T

    Are these done?

    I honestly have no idea. I'm surprised I haven't killed them by now.
  2. T

    Are these done?

    First grow. Only have a couple plants and don't want to mess it up. Are these done?
  3. T

    Are these done?

    First grow. Only have a couple plants and don't want to mess it up. Are these done?
  4. T

    Anyone caught growing in NY?

    That's not too bad. I'm thinking about moving to NY.
  5. T

    Anyone caught growing in NY?

    lolol heard its sunny out there
  6. T

    Anyone caught growing in NY?

    Just curious to hear stories of what you were sentenced with. I've read NORML. Everyone has. But what the actual law allows is not usually what people get. Thats why I'm asking. Any stories?
  7. T

    Yellowing around edge of leaves can't figure it out

    UncleBen says "keep them green" but that sure is easier said than done. I can't figure it out. A month old. In soil. 1000 watt light on 75% power, 12 inches from top of plants on a moving rail. Given the plants SensiGrow nutrients twice. Water every 3 days.
  8. T

    Yellowing around leaves because of root bound?

    A month old. In soil. 1000 watt light on 75% power, 12 inches from top of plants on a moving rail. Given the plants SensiGrow nutrients twice. They were in 3 gallon pots and were root bound. Just transplanted them into 5 gallons. Is this why?
  9. T

    Holes in leaves
