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    Drug Absorption

    Drug Absorption  Process of drug movement from the administration site to the systemic circulation.  Drug absorption is determined by physicochemical properties of drugs, their formulations, and routes of administration. Drug products--the actual dosage forms (eg, tablets...
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    Consumer concerns about food irradiation

    Consumer concerns about food irradiation fall into two broad categories: the first relating to the technology and the second relating to the quality of the food. The terms "radiation" and "radioactivity" have negative connotations to many individuals. There is still lingering doubt in the mind...
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    Does green tea reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease or cancer?

    Does green tea reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease or cancer? With the exception of water, more people drink tea than any other beverage. For years, it has been thought that green tea offers protection against a wide range of ills. A short list includes cancer, cardiovascular disease...
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    Details of Cannabis

    Cannabis, also known as marijuanaor marihuana, or ganja (from Hindi), is a psychoactive product of the plant Cannabis sativa, or more often, Cannabis sativa subsp. indica. The herbal form of the drug consists of dried mature flowers and subtending leaves of pistillate (female) plants. The...
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    Medical Use Marijuana

    A synthetic form of one chemical in marijuana, Δ(delta)-9 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), is a controversial treatment for medical use. The American Marijuana Policy Project, a pro-cannabis organization, claims that cannabis is an ideal therapeutic drug for cancer and AIDS patients, who often...