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  1. S

    Do salt based nutrients interact well with organics?

    Thanks Chuck! So to the OP's question (and mine, I suppose), it sounds like you're saying if used conservatively, the two approaches might actually compliment each other... That's pretty interesting if I'm understanding correctly.
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    Do salt based nutrients interact well with organics?

    Had a very similar question - thanks for posting this. Hope it's ok to piggy back onto your thread sir: I was was also wondering how Dyna-Gro might perform in a pot of Ocean Forest that's been amended with additional organic ingredients. I recall reading the salts from synthetics would destroy...
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    What happens after the bust?

    Sorry, I wasn't intentionally being vague. It wasn't a law enforcement bust, it was a family bust. Wife discovered what I thought was an impenetrable fortress of future herb. Guess I'm not as slick as I thought. I can't bear to dice 'em up and flush em :( Flashes of brilliance here? Anyone?
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    What happens after the bust?

    You know, I thought I was slick... Undetectable. Personal closet grow. A closet nobody cares to ever look in until you don't want somebody looking.
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    What happens after the bust?

    Oh, they were such beautiful plants! I read and ignored the warnings here: grow amongst others and you'll get caught. Knowing I was smarter than that, I forged ahead. I'm still trying to fathom where I went wrong? Was the 7' Gorilla tent that big? The fans that loud? The smell so lemony...
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    Fox Farm Nutes....

    Try it, you will be displeased with the results. They'll congeal into putty (well, the FF I mixed without water did anyway. I don't recall which specific bottles I mixed). Assuming you'll eventually drop your nutes in water, I would just mix them into the water. Or, try mixing 5 different...
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    Best Practices - Hanging Heavy Equipment

    What is your preferred method for hanging lights and carbon filters, et al? Do you like zip ties, carabiners, rope? Seems many of the prepackaged grow room kits include rope ratchets but they just don't seem... well, professional?
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    Better Bud Thread

    With your permission, I am going to add this to my signature. This comment is applicable across the board. And I literally mean, across the forum board. Truth is, this concept applies to all of our hobbies; Cars, Cigars and Guitars, you can't circumvent the basics and you just can't purchase...
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    Carbon filter placement - inside or outside the tent?

    Or does it matter? For maximum odor control, does interior or exterior placement make a difference?
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    Tent configuration question

    I can't seem to find anything about "proper" tent configuration. I can just about piece it together - but what IS the ideal placement of all your equipment? For example, let's say a small - average size tent: passive air intake from the bottom with an inline fan and carbon filter INSIDE the...
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    Uncle Ben's Gardening Tweeks and Pointers

    Very interesting reading Uncle Ben, thanks for that. In a former life, I was REALLY into exercise. To make up for my shortcomings, I turned to nutritional supplementation to bridge the gap. There are striking parallels in both the fertilizer/nutrition and supplement/nutrition industries. The...
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    Odor control - how stinky can one plant get in a stealth grow?

    Thanks 12ico. That's encouraging. California light Works 400 arriving today :)
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    Odor control - how stinky can one plant get in a stealth grow?

    Hi Guys, I've read a lot of threads about odor control but they seem to cater to the grower concerned with yield and managing multiple plants. I'm curious how stealthy can you be with a single plant? I'm assuming strain factors in so let's assume the worst (best) smelling plant kept at a...