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  1. MarijeJane

    Green Organic Dutchman Newest LP
  2. MarijeJane

    PEI gets their first licensed producer of medical marijuana
  3. MarijeJane

    Under MMAR rules, can patients grow only seeds from Health Canada or other strains?

    I was wondering if Health Canada or the government ever allowed patients under the MMAR to grow strains other than the crappy seeds from them. Does anyone know where to find information on this?
  4. MarijeJane

    MMPR Licensed Producer Thread

    This is a thread intended for people interested in Licensed Producers working under the MMPR. Can we have positive discussion here without trolls or whiners please.
  5. MarijeJane

    How much weed does a "real" client smoke in a year

    I see some research out of Colorado as to how much the average user of marihuana smokes in a year and the amount of market penetration that they expect in the general population. I like the numbers they talk about, deliberately omitted here so as to not skew the results, but wonder what others...