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  1. Collie Buddz

    Swine flu & brickweed

    I can't say I didn't think about it myself like 2 days ago. We were hotboxing a tent and all we could talk about was getting swine flu lol.
  2. Collie Buddz

    Smokin songs.

    311-Amber, sick song
  3. Collie Buddz

    Bad highs?

    I dunno, sounds to me like you were just really really baked. I guess just try and not take such huge rips or something, that must be some dank bud. I've been that high before a couple times. I crushed a blunt to myself at a party a couple days ago and got too baked to stay there, i thought i...
  4. Collie Buddz

    What is a roach?

    Some people call it a crutch or a filter. It's just like thicker paper at the mouth of the J for like a mouth piece. I always use a piece of my cig box. Keeps it from getting soggy and gross.
  5. Collie Buddz

    White Lighter? Bad Luck?

    I pretty much only use white lighters because they're supposed to be bad luck and i'm good to go. then again I can never remember enough of the day to know how it went. lol :bigjoint:
  6. Collie Buddz

    FUCK $3000 phone bill

    Who do you have because I had the same problem.They said i was always on my phones internet and charged me, of course mine only went up to $300... If you've had your phone long enough to get the discounts you can apply it to that bill i think, thats what I did atleast.
  7. Collie Buddz

    Where to Move

    I wasn't sure what the standard of living in Cali was but i figured it was pretty high. Va sucks, the courts are pretty harsh on people my age so it sucks to know that the odds are terribly against me if anything happens. What's Colorado like? For some reason that sparked some interest. Like...
  8. Collie Buddz

    Where to Move

    I just want some kind of change. I wanna take a year off of school and just live and work anywhere. If i like it i'll go back to school there. But I can't decide where. I could change my mind about this tomorrow but today this is what I want. I live in Va btw. Naturally my friend wants Cali...
  9. Collie Buddz

    Tolerance Break?

    I was just wondering if a 2 week tolerance break will be worth it. I've smoking a couple times a day for about 5 or 6 months now. I was just planning on drinking a bunch of water as if i was trying to pass a piss test to try and clear out quicker, dunno if that works or not for this situation...
  10. Collie Buddz

    I totally think Im a hippy....

    According to that definition I'm a hippie too! Exciting. Apparently I look Jimi Hendrix though so it's not too surprising, that and I love pot.:weed:
  11. Collie Buddz


    Does smoking pot actually help asthma? I read it in an article somewhere then when I said it to my friends they all laughed at me. I just recently heard it was true again from somewhere. I'm just curious if anyone knows for sure. Just got out of class and it's time to pack a bowl.bongsmilie