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  1. F


    Hookah Fucking rules! You know what you do get some fucking redbull instead of water and put straight weed in the bowl and you are fucked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Must warn you though it is Harsh at first but defintly worth the high.
  2. F

    Need advice

    Hahaha not yet. Still to small i think to even sample but as soon as one of those little ones gets a little bigger hell ya im going to sample it. Im going to try to get some pictures up. So just a quick run through, hang it upsidedown to dry in a dark place for 3 - 5 days and then to cure it...
  3. F

    Need advice

    Ya no idea what any of that ment. its coming along. got me a 10 15 10 with iron and magnessium. Also lets say i want a taste is it ok to take a bud off?
  4. F

    Need advice

    K thanks :)
  5. F

    God Bud

    I live in Toronto Onatio. If you live near lakeshore there is a place called the seed bank. its 416 255 5355 check that out they might have it
  6. F

    Need advice

    I have a fertilizer called kabloom its 10-45-10 is that too strong? i havent used it yet. thanks for the advice
  7. F

    Need advice

    Hi its my first time growing. my plant is at the budding stage and i was just wondering if i should be fertilizing it or no. and if so what type of fertilizer. Also the inside leaves near the bottom are turning yellow and falling off. Any advice would be greatly appreciatied Thanks