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  1. BodegaBayGrower

    Female Right????

    Looks female to me too. Keep it awayh from males, It can still seed if polinated.
  2. BodegaBayGrower

    What the Hell is this?

    It looks like a hermie or it didnt get much light. Id smoke it anyway, maybe get a few bowls of it.
  3. BodegaBayGrower

    First Grow - Bag Seed - Starting 7th Week of Flowering

    Beginners Luck Bro. That is awesome. Nice plants.
  4. BodegaBayGrower

    Unannounced Contraband Inspection WTF?!

    Good idea man. remember how 100+ students got busted at San Diego State Univ. last year in the Pot bust? Get your education, plant some seeds in the woods and go visit them there.
  5. BodegaBayGrower

    harvest time?

    DAMN!!! Nice Plat Man. If you feel the need, I would clip a few and dry some of those mature buds that have mostly red hairs, then let he damn thing go for a few more weeks.
  6. BodegaBayGrower

    safe place to order seed? i am in usa

    Thanks for the tips all.