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  1. M

    10 days flowering need help

    Let them fall off themselves and water your plants well. Leaves often die in the beginning of flowering, wait it out.
  2. M

    2012. What do you beleive?

    Astronomers predict that something is going to happen with the alignment of the plantes coincidentally with the prediction of the Mayan. So who knows, I'm gonna party hardcore that night just in case haha.
  3. M

    Was it mean, or is life just not fair?

    ehh kinda a dick move but hey cant say I havent ripped people off haha. I got karma points today instead by picking up a hippy hitchhiker =D
  4. M


    Yeah thats what I read, more predators and other vegetation to eat I geuss
  5. M


    Hello everyone, Im new to the forum my names Curtis. Although I've been blazing for years this is my first year growing. I have three beautiful outdoor female plants ranging from 4-6 ft. The buds look great. My only possible concern are the leafhoppers that have been living in them for months...