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  1. extracrispy90

    I get my wisdom teeth pulled today

    yup this last week I have just started to feel my wisdom teeth coming in too under my molars (idk if that's normal or not) , but only on one side gettin my pulled as well :cry:
  2. extracrispy90

    Kickass Butterfly Photo

    looks like something from a scene in a Lord of the Rings movie
  3. extracrispy90

    Is it ok to be a pretend christian?

    Yeah i used to be semi-christian when i was younger , but have been a strong atheist for the last 6 years...even going as far to say "Well I'm sorry" when ever I hear someone proclaim their faith to me :twisted: , based on the fact that no "god' has been proven true to me...I just dont know how...
  4. extracrispy90

    Your Stoner Lingo

    I also head someone say something like "Lets smoke some Bumblebee Tuna" or something like that - weird
  5. extracrispy90

    Is it just me? (About Obama)

    And that ^^^ is the bone cut & dry nature of ANY presidential candidate no matter if the issue affects you or not , just saying...
  6. extracrispy90

    How to store your weed . . .

    pill bottle , 2 zip locks , vacume sealed 3 times , in a water proof safe at the bottom of the nearest pond :mrgreen:
  7. extracrispy90

    Oil prices hurt P Diddy

    His "Saudi brothers and sisters" give me a break , for all we know his great grandfather is probably WHITE , besides Saudis are clearly a Arab race , if your going to be an advocate to a cause PUT SOME BACKBONE INTO IT GREEDY ASS
  8. extracrispy90

    Your Stoner Lingo

    the most original I have heard around here is "got green?" like the "got milk" ads lol
  9. extracrispy90

    Whos on the edge with their gf?

    that's exactly my experience i was talkin about earlier in the thread but she kinda I think tried to come back a second time and I told her I had replaced her with other things that took up my time now ;-) not a person like she tried to do and i think it really pissed her off and that thing...
  10. extracrispy90

    check this pic out / trichs vs effects

    what he said ^^^ there also used to tell where genetically where the plant comes from I have heard this: SATIVA- South America/Mexico , & Asia INDICA- Arab country's , India , Africa
  11. extracrispy90

    Best Game While Stoned!

    I would mac people in Call of Duty 4 if i still had a live subscription but I just play at my brothers occasionally now and im still good , 40-2 is my best game
  12. extracrispy90

    Great Stoner Quotes

    ok i got a giant dresser in my room I NEVER use I just neatly stack my cloths at the foot of my bed... Well we were smoking and we got talkin about cutting down trees and what not, I didn't have any sensible input on it & thought about my use less dresser at home and was like "They should stop...
  13. extracrispy90

    Is Carrot Top Gay?

    Future Reference: I have testicles.
  14. extracrispy90

    Is Carrot Top Gay?

    Is carrot top gay???.....hmmm I would say increasingly everyday Me being a red head and part of a dieing breed I think im going to have to have like 20 kids just so my genes can repopulate the redhead race and eventually super cede this freaks
  15. extracrispy90

    defeating flyover FLIR

    I read somewhere legislation banned the use of evidence from FLIR in court, keep your grow in a inner room with no windows and vent into your area dispersing the heat? because I saw a show and it said they busted most people through huge heat signatures coming from basement windows/leaks
  16. extracrispy90

    Whos on the edge with their gf?

    Maybe a commitment thing , in my situation I was the first guy she had ever lived with and gone past like 8 months with and treated her well so maybe in her head she was like "Oh shit this is a real relationship I got myself into now!" and just bugged out...
  17. extracrispy90

    Whos on the edge with their gf?

    For a year , i thought things couldn't have been more perfect guess i was wrong
  18. extracrispy90

    Smoking Etiquette

    blowing a bowl would be SUPER embarrassing , I did once like one of those 'gasping breath laughs' into a bowl luckily it was cashed and we just got a nasty ash cloud :cry: sorry
  19. extracrispy90

    Whos on the edge with their gf?

    Anyone could fight with our 2 statements for a life time so I wont get into it:lol: but STILL till this day I have no clue why she left , we never fought or anything all the time , sex was all week long , and all a sudden she just started making arguments out of nothing and doing stuff she knew...
  20. extracrispy90

    barack obama and john mccain, both evil!!

    Left or Right...Its all wrong and hypocritical, Politics is a evil game in every sense of the word used to skew your thoughts & views VOTE INDEPENDENT ps: Ledgic I know all about the Illuminatist , im right there in the know with it from the bloodlines , Skull & Bones , everything...trouble...