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  1. B

    California Light Works return policy

    Hey all, I am a nobody around here and haven't even lurked here in a long time, but I wanted to share my experience with CLW for anyone who might be feverently googling for info on LED companies and their return policies. IMO this is the best site for LED info on the web, weed related or not...
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    Rob Corry Files Lawsuit To Overturn Self-Incriminating State Licensing Requirements

    Oof, talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face. Potentially disasterous move by Mr Corry. From what I gather he is a true libertarian. Like most libertarians he is to be admired for logical consistency, and loathed for his naivete. If successful, both the regulatory scheme for MMJ...
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    The end of Recreational

    Obviously, the movement would not be where it is but for people not giving a shit about weed laws. Still, ain't it nice to walk into a grow store and not get your house raided? Your point about MMJ is exactly why rec weed is so great. No names on a list. I am baffled by people who are...
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    The end of Recreational

    With all due respect (which is not much since you start out calling me a fucking idiot), but there is a lot of Cali/Colorado echo chamber i here. Weeds illegal in in 46 states. Walking into a dro store in those states is pretty much PC to arrest you and take away your home. Shit like this...
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    The end of Recreational

    Ah I see, thank you. So State law does not compel one to violate the federal law. Clearly, if it did, court intervention would be necessary. Still, I think my point stands, namely that this would not be some long drawn out court case. It's fairly clear cut legally. All it takes is for...
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    The end of Recreational

    Sorry I did not see this reply till just now. I am interested what you think a "positive conflict" with Fed law is and why this would not be such a case. There is a Fed statue saying weed is illegal, there is a State Constitution amendment saying it is legal. Looks like a conflict to me...
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    The end of Recreational

    Except you do not see this in ads. According to the ads, abortion/birth control is the only issue in either race (so sick of ads). Neither party is touching this issue. Really, neither candidate for governor is going to be much different than the other. Beauprez just says he is vagully more...
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    The end of Recreational

    FWIW, I am really hoping you are right.
  9. B

    The end of Recreational

    I completely agree as it pertains locally or even to the western states. Nationally though, I'm not sure the voting base of the right is there yet. Well I admire your idealism. However, if weed is criminalized when beauprez wins, I'll be pointing the finger at you. (I'll still buy ya a beer...
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    The end of Recreational

    Needless patisanship is needless. Protip - if you want to persuade someone, refrain from calling them names. Unless, as is obvious, you only want to reinforce your own views by belittiling the views of others. In which case, troll on elsewhere.
  11. B

    The end of Recreational

    I get that, I just don't see why he's saying this in first place. There is nothing popular about saying you are going to reverse a popularly elected policy (marijuana legalization), particularly when there is pretty much zero blowback to that policy. Again who is he winning over with this? If...
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    The end of Recreational

    Wow, well I guess I just profoundly disagree with your overall mindset and worldview. But by now I'm sure you have had experiences with other perspectives and viewpoints and have been unpersuaded. Certainly some stranger on the internet isn't going to persuade you either. And I don't know how...
  13. B

    The end of Recreational

    Did you vote for A64? While I understand hating on the major parties, I think voting for issues like this is important. since it directly effects you. Also, I got $10 sez you're under 30. :-P
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    The end of Recreational

    Why is it "not gonna happen?" The man himself says he thinks it was a mistake and should be repealed. Also it is profoundly disappointing that when discussing the one issue everyone on here should agree on, people just bring out the same tired partisan BS.
  15. B

    The end of Recreational

    See this is what I though initially, until I read the linked article. I was not really concerned. I mean, it plays right into the states rights narrative, and it is fairly popular, so I thought the Rs would just lay low on it, will of the people, etc. Instead it appears they cannot refrain...
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    The end of Recreational

    While idealogically preferable to the other choices, voting 3rd party is generally a mistake. Take it from a guy who voted for Nader in 2000 and unwittingly ushered in the George W presidency.
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    The end of Recreational

    Dude I hear ya, but when the DEA comes a callin', it ain't going to matter what you or anyone else thought of the laws or the politicians. Prosecuters will have a field day with the vast amount of evidence everyone has been willingly providing to the State. Anyone owning a rec dispensary is...
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    The end of Recreational

    So it appears republicans are going to sweep the elections, and have promised to end rec. weed. Although the article below says they will put this to the voters, my money is on the new governor inviting the feds to file a lawsuit to have A64 declared invalid due to conflict with federal law...
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    DIY COB safety/fire issues

    Hey all, I was wondering if someone could identify and discuss the relative safety/fire hazards of a DIY COB lights?. I have always assumed that the fire hazard would be less than a HPS or other HID light. Is this correct? What is my biggest danger safety wise building my own light? For...
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    Questions for the DIY CXA COB experts

    Awesome, thank you guys. Pretty much filled in most of the gaps in my understanding of this. Supra when you say "For passive heatsinking, I recommend 100cm²/W (dissipation watts)." Do you mean total surface area (i.e. the "front" or "face" of the heatsink + the surface area of the fins) or...