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  1. MrkingT

    Tangerine Dream Week 10, I think its done but want second opinion!

    Go by the trichromes you want them 2 be cloudy with maybe like 20-25% amber trics i allways check under the leaves where there is huge amount of trics if some are clear its not ready and just wait a little while and keep checking daily just remember the last 2 weeks have the best growth for...
  2. MrkingT

    Is it is time to harvest? (with pic)

    lol if You want Honest Truth Bin that bag of shit buy some new seeds and make sure 2 clean that room including the celling or the same will happen 2 females if pollen is still in there good luck next time bud
  3. MrkingT

    armageddon at 9 weeks

    try moveing it closer or further away i had the same problem ;)
  4. MrkingT

    Found a Seed???

    LOL shame there no like button =[
  5. MrkingT

    Yellow leafs help me plz?

    you wont need nutes for such a small plant the medium will be fine with just plain water untill you get a few more nodes 2 me looks like nute burn
  6. MrkingT

    My babies are growing slow and curling

    ur killing ur plants by watering to much dont water just because the soil looks dry the soil on top will dry out first making the soil 2 appear dry try dig ya finger in a little bit see if its still moist
  7. MrkingT

    Droopy sprouts ?

    lol they look healthy there was one time i just water my seedlings and one went droppy all of a sudden :/ lol soon went back 2 normal maybe the plant is holding to much water than it can support ;)
  8. MrkingT

    Chop after, or before light period ?

    LOL This Just Made My Day xD
  9. MrkingT

    Lemon Sour Deisel, week 10 flower what do you guys think

    follow the recommend flowering time and flush 1-2 weeks befor harvest and she be good 2 go looking good
  10. MrkingT

    This is "okey" right?

    seems legit and it depends on you how you want the buds u can leave for 7 days and they should be dry enough 2 smoke and its good enough 2 go but other people like 2 cure them in the jars 2 take the moist out the middle of the bud depends on you and how ur weed is tho bro some dry faster than...
  11. MrkingT

    how important is ph for soil grow??

    do your homework its like asking how important is water to humans lol kinda retarded question
  12. MrkingT

    How strong is the marijuana plant?

    wow now this is some fucked up shit xD
  13. MrkingT

    Merry Christmas

    season greetings 2 you all
  14. MrkingT

    Help, seedling leaves curling down and spread out

    what do you mean by misting? you need to water proply so water will get to the roots dont just make the top layer wet
  15. MrkingT

    Merry Christmas

    can you not use this thread 2 advertise this is to wish people the best at christmas show some respect
  16. MrkingT

    Merry Christmas

    Merry Christmas Everyone =] Share The Season Greeting And Hope Every1 Has A Lovly Day! just a little christmas thread to share the season greetings
  17. MrkingT

    First time grow, advice/feedback greatly appreciated!

    just a little tip try smooth out the reflective sheeting that can cause hot spots as it looks all fucked Nice plant btw :) (Keep It Simple)
  18. MrkingT

    Wilted leaves need help!!

    i wouldnt be spraying leaves/flowers with any kind of fluid during flower
  19. MrkingT

    12/12 from seed...

    There is a reason for a plants "life cycle" its like having a baby and tryin to feed them a roast dinner it aint gonna work *Common sence* maybe needed here!