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  1. GotAnyWeed?

    Why Alaska has it better than Colorado

    I like Colorado because I can grow six plants on my balcony and not worry about what people think because it's LEGAL MUTHA FUCKAAAAAA!!!!!!!
  2. GotAnyWeed?

    Anyone here live in New Zealand?

    I read in another forum website that the further south you go the less tolerant they are about marijuana. Is that true?? Where are the "weed" hotspots in the country. Just curious. I would like to visit someday. And if I'm lucky, and up for it---Live there too. :) :leaf:
  3. GotAnyWeed?

    where would you go?...

    What an interesting thread. I love talking about this shit with friends, especially while stoned. Haha :weed: Okay, so I would do what many others have mentioned. And that is go somewhere rural, homestead it, and become an off-the-grid, self-sustainable farmer. You panels, harvest...
  4. GotAnyWeed?

    In terms of Cannabis Liberation: Washington vs Colorado (where is it MORE "legal")?

    I think RIGHT NOW Colorado is the best place in America if you want to experience Cannabis Liberation, but within six years or so from now, that landscape is going to be completely different. Once states like California, Vermont, Alaska, and some say Arizona legalize it I'm sure they'll surpass...
  5. GotAnyWeed?

    Question for stoners living in Washington state and Colorado

    I read this article online that it's going to cost more in states where its legal. But I'd rather pay more knowing I'm not getting ripped off. Then having to deal with dealers....they can be sketchy sometimes. Also you can choose what quality you want and know it's legit. Unlike some dude...
  6. GotAnyWeed?

    Question for stoners living in Washington state and Colorado

    All I wanted to know was how was pot smoking where it is legal like in CO and WA. You're like a cyber version of a homeless person. Yapping nonsense. :lol:
  7. GotAnyWeed?

    Question for stoners living in Washington state and Colorado

    dude, are you stoned?? No one cares about your story. Talk to a friend or therapist. Who are you talking/arguing with?
  8. GotAnyWeed?

    Question for stoners living in Washington state and Colorado

    So ANYWAY how is toking in CO and WA?? bongsmilie
  9. GotAnyWeed?

    Question for stoners living in Washington state and Colorado

    i think he's talking about the parking lot of his building that he lives in.
  10. GotAnyWeed?

    Question for stoners living in Washington state and Colorado

    i want to live in a land where there is Marijuana Liberation. And I think that land is Washington and Colorado......for now.
  11. GotAnyWeed?

    Question for stoners living in Washington state and Colorado

    damn, what state do you live in?
  12. GotAnyWeed?

    Question for stoners living in Washington state and Colorado

    What state was this? CO or WA?? And the cop waved at you? Oh damn lol.
  13. GotAnyWeed?

    Question for stoners living in Washington state and Colorado

    What's it like to live in a state where you don't ever have to worry about breaking the law when smoking pot because YOU AREN'T!! :bigjoint:
  14. GotAnyWeed?

    So you want to grow legally under 502?

    Damn! I think in CO you can have like 6 plants. But I can be wrong. At least there's gonna be some weed shops for anyone 21 & over in like Seattle....or is that not really the case too??
  15. GotAnyWeed?

    Moving to colorado to grow..?

    Traveling can be done at all ages. I'm in my late 20s and I'm doing (and did) heaps of traveling. I don't think I'm ever gonna stop, regardless of age. Vagabond for Life!!
  16. GotAnyWeed?

    Zombie Hunting Game.

    wow, I got to check out this game. I love Zombie games!! :fire:
  17. GotAnyWeed?

    Great Movie About The History of MJ and the U.S

    Seems like a cool movie. I like docs. I'll check it out. Thanks.
  18. GotAnyWeed?

    So you want to grow legally under 502?

    maybe someone can help me out with this. What if I just wanted like 5 plants in my house just for me. I won't sell and it won't leave my property really. I'll just smoke it and share it with friends whenevs. Do I need a license too?? I'm no different than a gardener who grows tomatoes for their...
  19. GotAnyWeed?

    Where would you rather get your marijuana from.......................?

    from a store of course! But if you can grow it yourself. I would.