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  1. d33p

    First Grow

    129 days from seed - harvest. 79 days in flower - could have gone longer Jarred with hygrometers and Boveda 62% packs. Holding at 55% RH currently if my hygrometers are accurate.
  2. d33p

    Dried too fast - Ready For Jars?

    Exactly. I have messed up every step of the way. I've also admitted such ;) Making mistakes is the path to learning. Update: I chopped them down last saturday, they're in jars+hygrometers+boveda 62%. 6 days in and they're only up to 56% RH, I way over dried them. In the future I will cut...
  3. d33p

    Dinafem critical jack auto grow cfl

    I think hes trying to figure out if he should harvest yet. Here's his last post
  4. d33p

    is it done? pics inside

    Another thing, I think some people havn't responded because the post is somewhat vague. I clicked the link in your sig...are these the critical jack auto-flower plants? What does the seedbank advertise as the flower time?
  5. d33p

    is it done? pics inside

    Sorry man, I personally only have one grow under my belt. They look way different than my past experience, which is obviously next to nothing. However, I've never grown out hermies. You said 7.5 weeks safe to say 54days now? Was this when you turned the lights to 12/12 or when the plants...
  6. d33p

    Dried too fast - Ready For Jars?

    All good thoughts, mainly on the same page ;) Thanks for all the input I'll let them hang and check them again in the morning. Once I feel things are ready I'm putting them in jars with 62% boveda packs and hygrometers. I'll monitor it closely. I've heard of mold with the boveda packs...
  7. d33p

    is it done? pics inside

    Turning the fans off and spraying them with water daily...sounds like a recipe for mold. I'm not sure what mold looks like on a bud, but you should def research that. Just my 2 cents.
  8. d33p

    Dried too fast - Ready For Jars?

    Alright, I put my chopped "colas" in my small grow box and kept the exhaust fan on so that the smell would go threw my carbon filter. Plants were hung 2/8, they were hung at different times in an 8 hour period. Its now 2/10 and the outside of the buds feel dry/crunchy but the stems are still...
  9. d33p

    First Grow

    Pic 1, 2, and 6 are the same cola Pic 3 is some popcorn in a bowl, you know for tonight's feature. Pic 4 Can you say Transplant me please? Pic 5 All Pic 7 Close up of 3 other colas
  10. d33p

    Male flower with pistils?

    Def let it ride for a little while longer. If you're still unsure, don't risk it. Just murder it.
  11. d33p

    Male flower with pistils?

    Those look like pistils to me. Possible hermie, but I don't see the bananas...I would wait it out and see.
  12. d33p

    First Grow

    My pokemon evolved over night.
  13. d33p

    How many CFL's do I NEED ???

    Do you have a link to the Versatile Light. Not necessarily where you bought it but maybe the manufacturer's site with specs.
  14. d33p

    First Grow

    Here is an update. I posted things in the appropriate forums for help. Switched lights to 12/12 DIY Fans...
  15. d33p

    CFL 58 Days in flower. So close, but how close am I?

    Nice find. Gave you rep for finding a mirror of the broken article. "You Rock!"-RepComment
  16. d33p

    CFL 58 Days in flower. So close, but how close am I?

    The only thing I'm worried about going with higher watt cfls at this point, is the fact that I'm capped out for height. Thats why some of my colas are in the light fixture, I can't move it higher. LOL So, if the higher watt CFLS are fatter or even longer.....I won't be able to use them.
  17. d33p

    CFL 58 Days in flower. So close, but how close am I?

    It has been a roller coaster for sure. I was contemplating a flush, however I've read a lot about the flush/not flush argument and have not decided which sounds more logical. I agree that flushing is important when you have nute burn, past that not sure I believe in it. Ill look at my calyxes...
  18. d33p

    CFL 58 Days in flower. So close, but how close am I?

    Note: There are some glaring issues with this grow and I was unable/lazy to rectify them as it was my first grow and I was getting frustrated. I have done tons of research on where I went wrong and will be changing a lot in my next grow. That being said what you see currently is not how it...
  19. d33p

    Sudden wilting of Sour Diesel

    *Before taking this advice....I am very new to growing.* I think we need more info on your light setup. Are the CFLs only on you have some on the sides...etc. I ask because I'm using CFLs and the bottom foilage dropped off because they weren't getting light. Plants are fine...just...
  20. d33p

    FIRST TIME closet grow Supplies, Measurements, and Pictures of room...

    In your last pic LuffyakaDJames it looks like your plants are stretching, the light might be a little too far away.