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  1. S3love

    Funny Sex Stories

    alright i know we have all had some funny sex lets here them one time me and hubby were sitting in drs office...and this one dr always is like 2 hours behind schedule, so as we are sitting there we decided to sneak off for a quicky in the bathroom, well lets just say that never...
  2. S3love

    Battle Wounds

    i know we all have battle wounds of some sort, this is a place to share how u got ur battle wounds...i will start i have a massive scar that goes across my stomach from the belly button to the hips, i got this because i was high and fell asleep with a smoke on my stomach...went through all my...
  3. S3love

    What Are You Wearing??

    so i decided to start this thread, because we all live in different areas and am curious how alike or different we are with regards to clothing so this is intended as what you are wearing at the exact moment you read this i just woke up so i just threw on a pair of black track pants and some...