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  1. J

    what light

    I've had an outdoor plant growing for like 4 months. It's budding right now and it needs like 2 or 3 more weeks to finish. Thing is, it's getting much too cold for it to be outside and I want to move it inside to finish it. I need to know what kind of light I should use. It's Indica and it's...
  2. J

    This summer's grow.

    Well, this summer I planted 4 plants. 2 were hybrids of Fruity Pebbles and White Rhyno, and the other 2 were random seeds. My 2 hybrids were about a week or 2 from finishing, but they were stolen out of my backyard a few nights ago. One of the random plants got eaten by my dog, and the other...
  3. J

    Great Stoner Quotes

    So one night, a few friends and I were smoking a few blunts in my basement. We were all pretty stoned and started talking. Somehow, the topic of this old abandoned mental institution that's down the block came up. We were talking about how we should go there and throw a party one night, and as...
  4. J

    Your First Joint

    My first joint was from some Bob Marley rolling paper. I rolled an almost perfect J that resembled an AK-47 bullet.
  5. J


    Anyone else try it?
  6. J

    Midwest Harvest Time?!?!?!?

    I live in Chicago and my plant is 3 weeks into flowering. I too want to know when it might be possible to harvest, because it gets cold quick in Chicago.