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  1. S0UR P0W3r

    Aquarium water=fish emulsion?

    throw an air pump on the outside of your tank and some airstones and actually throw some straight up fish in that bitch. bubbleponics with fish shit would be dank
  2. S0UR P0W3r

    what kinda weed...

    is it that makes you more laughy than really like stoned? i've been smoking other peoples shit lately and my shit gets my head more stoned and my bud's shit makes me laugh more and just laugh a lot lol. what weed makes you laugh more or what is more stoney?
  3. S0UR P0W3r

    Ready for harvest?

    yo grow how would you make the hash out of the lil leaves?
  4. S0UR P0W3r


    drobro... you should touch me
  5. S0UR P0W3r

    Virginia growers

    2 up 2 down. great bud man in VA
  6. S0UR P0W3r


    nipple tweak
  7. S0UR P0W3r

    Male, Female, Or to early

    yea i gotcha, hope its a girl man!
  8. S0UR P0W3r

    Does anyone like to put anything in their bong besides water?

    i throw cubes in the top of my triple perculated, i have a spliff adapter to and this other piece i just got you can throw on the spliff. its so smooth but yea ice is always the way to go./
  9. S0UR P0W3r

    Ready for harvest?

    what kind of plant is that. they dont look to great from what im seein.
  10. S0UR P0W3r

    Male, Female, Or to early

    you should've snipped a clone sooner and 12/12'd it to see so you know if your wasting your time or not
  11. S0UR P0W3r

    Late in the game

    righteous shit man, keeps us updated i wanna see how she turns out. do you have a grow journal?
  12. S0UR P0W3r

    new lookin to grow,.

    looking forward to this site seeing as i want to start growing soon, seems like a lot of helpful peeps.