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  1. J

    Plucking pistils

    Hi guys, Thanks Mr Ganja... I've thoroughly inspected both plants on a daily basis and plucked all male flowers as they appeared ( not many ) and all seemed to be at the node. I can't see any bananas at all so they must be deep in the buds! They are actually very stinky nice plants with a 7...
  2. J

    Plucking pistils

    Hi guys, Ok so I've ended up with 2 out of 2 hermies from barnyes farm nightshade. No stress no light leaks! Never had feminized seeds hermie from *real seedbanks so I'm not best pleased! Ok so I'm at week 4 12/12 today and plucked any male flowers I could see over last few weeks (all...
  3. J

    Barneys Farm Nightshade

    Hey guys, just wanted to warn you all not to buy from barneys farm!! 2 weeks in to 12/12 looks like I've got 2 out of 2 hermies! To say I'm pissed would be an understatement!!! These were meant to be feminized. In my 15 years of growing I've never seen a hermie in my garden, occasionally...
  4. J


    Ball plucking it is then!! Thanks
  5. J


    Forgot to say barneys farm
  6. J


    Hey guys, ok so I picked up some bf feminized nightshade, a while back I'm on day 9 12/12 and one of my 2 plants has some male looking pre-flowers on the mid nodes (Only the mid-nodes) otherwise looks to be female i.e stigmas at the tips. I'm not going to cull shim (shehim) yet as...